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==[[Freedom of Religion]]==
==[[Freedom of Religion]]==
==[[Voting Rights and Suffrage]]==
==[[Voting Rights and Suffrage]]==
==[[Freedom of the Press]]==
==[[Privacy Rights]]==
==[[Right To Education]]==
===What is the oldest source in any country that mentions this right?===
===What is the oldest written source in this country that mentions this right? BUILD IN COLLAPSE EXPAND TOGGLE===
The Albanian constitution grants religious freedom in Article 10. The Constitution of the Republic of Albania was ratified on November 28th, 1998. The preamble declares the country a secular state.
Constitution Project. “Albania 1998 (Rev. 2012) Constitution.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,
The Constitution of Algeria was ratified on February 23, 1989.  Article 29 officially outlaws religious prosecution. However, institutions are meant, as written in Article 9, “not to practice contrary to Islamic morals”. Islam was declared the official religion in Article 2 of Algeria’s Constitution of 1989.
Constitution Project. “Algeria 1989 (Reinst. 1996, Rev. 2008) Constitution.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,
Andorra’s Constitution of 1993 was ratified May 4th,1993. Article 6 protect one’s freedom from religious discrimination, while article 11 protects ones right to religious expression.
Constitution Project. “Andorra 199327 Constitution.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,
The Constitution of Angola was ratified on January 21st, 2010. Article 10 of Angola’s constitution of 2010 declares the country a secular state. Article 23 declares it illegal to discriminate based on religious affiliation.
Constitution Project. “Angola's Constitution of 2010 -” Constitute , POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,
====Antigua and Barbuda====
The Antigua and Barbuda Constitutional Order of 1981 was ratified on october 31st, 1981. Article 11 established freedom of religion and religious protections.
Walsh School of Foreign Service . “Republic of Antigua and Barbuda Constitution of 1981.” Antigua and Barbuda: Constitution, 1981, Georgetown University, 15 July 2011,
The Constitution of Armenia was ratified on July 5th, 1995. Articles 29, 41, and 56 prohibit religious persecution and offer religion protections. Article 18 recognizes the Armenian Apostolic Holy Church as the national church.
Constitution Project. “Armenia 1995 (Rev. 2015) Constitution.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,
Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act was ratified on July 6th, 1900. Article 116 prevents any legislation on religion, including legislation to stopping its free expression.
Commonwealth Parliament. “Chapter V. The States.” Parliament of Australia, Commonwealth Parliament, 16 Jan. 2019,
The Constitution of Austria was ratified on October 1, 1920 and reinstated on May 1, 1945. Article 7 bans discrimination, including on the basis of religion, and Article 14 (b) bans discrimination on the basis of religion in public schools specifically.
Constitution Project. “Austria the Federal Constitutional Law of 1920 Law No. 153/2004 ...” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,
The Constitution of Azerbaijan was ratified on November 12, 1995. In Article 18 all religion is declared equal under the law and Article 25, Article 47, Article 71(4) ban legal discrimination based on religion and grant religious protections. Articles 85 and 89 ban ministers of religion from holding power in the the Milli Majlis or Azerbaijan National Assembly.
Constitution Project. “Azerbaijan 1995 (Rev. 2016) Constitution.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,
====The Bahamas====
The Constitution of The Commonwealth of The Bahamas was ratified on July 10th 1973. Article 22 protects freedom of religion. The preamble does specifically mention Christian values and the supremacy of God.
Constitution Project. “Bahamas (the) 1973 Constitution.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,
The Constitution of the Kingdom of Bahrain was decreed by King Shakih Hamad on February 14, 2002. Article 2 states Islam is the official religion and legislation is guided by Islamic Shari’a. However, Article 18 protects against discrimination based on religion and Article 22 protects freedom of religious thought.
Constitution Project. “Bahrain 2002 Constitution.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,
Barbados Constitution of 1966 was ratified on November 22, 1966. Article 19 grants religious freedoms and protections. The preamble states the country is founded on the supremacy of God.
Government of Barbados. “The Constitution of Barbados -” Organization of American States, Government of Barbados, 2002,
The Constitution of the Republic of Belarus was ratified on 15 March 1994. Articles 14, 16, and 31 grant religious freedom and protections. Article 5 bans activities of political parties and public associations with the aim of religious hatred.
Constitution Project. “Belarus 1994 (Rev. 2004) Constitution.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,
The Constitution of Belgium was ratified on 7 February, 1831. Articles 19, 20, and 21 protect religious freedom and equality. Article 24 requires compulsory education to not discriminate based on religion.
Constitution Project. “Belgium 1831 (Rev. 2014) Constitution.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,
Constitution of Belize was ratified on September 21, 1981. Articles 3 and 11 protect religious freedom and equality. Preamble claims the supremacy of God.
Constitution Project. “Belize 1981 (Rev. 2011) Constitution.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,
The Constitution of Benin was ratified on March 1, 1990. Articles 23 and 26 offer freedom of religion and prohibit religious discrimination under the law. Articles 2 and 5 define Benin as a secular state.
Constitution Project. “Benin 1990 Constitution.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,
The Bolivian Constitution or Constitution of the State was ratified on January 25, 2009. Articles 4, 14, 21, 86, and 104 protect religious freedom and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 4 says that Bolivia is a secular state.
Constitution Project. “Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 2009 Constitution.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,
====Bosnia and Herzegovina====
The Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina was ratified on December 14, 1995. Articles 1.7(b), 2.3(g), and 2.4 grants protect religious freedoms and equality and prohibit religious discrimination.
Constitution Project. “Bosnia and Herzegovina 1995 (Rev. 2009) Constitution.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,
The Constitution of Botswana was ratified on September 30, 1966. Article 11 establishes religious freedom, equality, and prohibits religious discrimination.
Constitution Project. “Botswana 1966 (Rev. 2016) Constitution.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,
The Constitution of Brunei Darussalam was signed on September 29, 1959. Part II 3.1 states the official religion is Islam, but also states other religions maybe practiced in peace and harmony. Government official must adhere to Islam. Part IX 84.1 states that all no person shall be appointed to any office not professing the Islamic religion.
Constitution Project. “Brunei Darussalam 1959 (Rev. 2006) Constitution.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,
The Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria was ratified on 12 July 1991. Articles 6.2, 11.4, 13, 37, and 44.2 grant religious protections and freedoms.
7th Grand National Assembly of Bulgaria . “Constitution of The Republic of Bulgaria .” National Assembly of The Republic of Bulgaria, 18 Dec. 2015,
====Burkina Faso====
The Constitution of Burkina Faso was ratified on 11 June 1991. Articles 1, 7, and 23 grant religious freedom and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 31 declares Burkina Faso a secular state.
Constitution Project. “Burkina Faso 1991 (Rev. 2015) Constitution.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,
The Burundi constitution was ratified on May 17, 2018. Articles 1, 13, 22, 31, 78, and 80 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 1 declares Burundi a secular state.
Constitution Project. “Burundi 2018 Constitution.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,
The Constitution of the Kingdom of Cambodia was ratified on September 21, 1993. Articles 31 and 43 grant religious equality under the law and religious freedom of worship, respectively. Article 43 declares Buddhism the national religion and Article 68 promotes Buddhist institutions.
Constitution Project. “Cambodia 1993 (Rev. 2008) Constitution.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,
The Constitution of Cameroon was ratified on 20 May 1972. Principles 14 and 15, as well as Article 1.2 grant religious freedom and protections. Article 1.2 declares Cameroon a secular state.
Constitution Project. “Cameroon 1972 (Rev. 2008) Constitution.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,
The Constitution of Canada was ratified on July 1, 1867. Part I B(2) and F(15) grant religious freedoms and protections. Part I pretext claims the supremacy of God.
Constitution Project. “Canada 1867 (Rev. 2011) Constitution.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,
====Cape Verde====
The Constitution of Cape Verde was ratified September 28th, 1980. Articles 42.1, 44.1, 45.1, 47.2-3, and 48 grant religious freedoms and prohibit religious discrimination.
Constitution Project. “Cape Verde 1980 (Rev. 1992) Constitution.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,
====Central African Republic====
The Constitution of the Central African Republic was ratified on March 27, 2016. Articles 6 and 10 grant religious freedom, equality, and protections from discrimination. Article 25 declares separation of church and state.
Constitution Project. “Central African Republic 2016 Constitution.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,
The Constitution of the Republic of Chad was ratified on May 4, 2018. Articles 14 and 28 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibits religious discrimination. Article 1 declares Chad a secular state and the separation of the state and religion.
Constitution Project. “Chad 2018 Constitution.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,
The Constitution of Chile was ratified September 11, 1980. Article 19.6 grants religious freedom and protections.
Constitution Project. “Chile 1980 Constitution.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,
The Constitution of the Federal Islamic Republic of the Comoros was ratified on June 7, 1992. Article 2 grants religious freedom and protections. Both the Preamble and Article 97 affirm the Islam as the state religion.
Constitution Project. “Comoros 2018 Constitution.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,
====Democratic Republic of the Congo====
The Regime of the Constitution was ratified on February 18, 2006. Articles 13, 22, 45, and 61.7 grant religious protections and freedoms. Article declares the Democratic Republic of the Congo as a secular state.
Constitution Project. “Democratic Republic of the Congo 2006 Constitution.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,
====Republic of the Congo====
The Constitution of the Republic of the Congo was ratified on September 22, 2015. Articles 15 and grant religious freedom, equality, and protections. The preamble, Articles 1 and 61 declare the Republic of the Congo as a secular state.
Constitution Project. “Congo (Republic of the) 2015 Constitution.” Constitute, 27 Apr. 2022,
====Costa Rica====
The Constitution of Costa Rica was ratified on 1949 November 7. Article 75 both declares the Roman, Catholic, Church as the official religion of Costa Rica and grants freedom of religion.
Constitution Project. “Costa Rica 1949 (Rev. 2011) Constitution.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,
The  Constitution of the Republic of Croatia was ratified on December 22, 1990. Articles 14, 17, 39, 40, 41, and 47 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit discrimination.
Constitution Project. “Croatia's Constitution of 1991 with Amendments through 2010.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,
The Constitution of Cuba was ratified on 24 February 2019. Articles 15, 42, and 57 grant religious freedoms, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Articles 15 and 32.b declare Cuba a secular state.
Constitution Project. “Cuba's Constitution of 2019 -” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,
The Constitution of the Republic of Cyprus was ratified on 16 August 1960. Articles 18 and 28 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit discrimination. Religious law has many layers and complexities throughout the constitution.
Constitution Project. “Cyprus 1960 (Rev. 2013) Constitution.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,
====Czech Republic====
The Constitution of the Czech Republic came into effect on January 1, 1993. Articles 3, 15, and 16 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination.
Constitution Project. “Czech Republic 1993 (Rev. 2013) Constitution.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,
The Constitution of Djibouti was ratified 4 September 1992. Articles 1, 3 and Article 11 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 1 declares Islam the state religion.
Constitution Project. “Djibouti's Constitution of 1992 with Amendments through 2010.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,
The Constitution of the Commonwealth of Dominica was ratified in 1978. Articles 9 and 13 grants religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. The Preamble acknowledges the supremacy of God.
Constitution Project . “Dominica 1978 (Rev. 2014) Constitution.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,
====Dominican Republic====
Constitution of the Dominican Republic was promulgated on June 13, 2015. Articles 39, 45, and 263.3 grant religious protections.
Constitution Project. “Dominican Republic 2015 Constitution.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,
====East Timor====
The Constitution of East Timor was ratified on 20 May 2002. Articles 12, 16, 25.5, 38.3, 45, and 50.3 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination.
Constitution Project. “Timor-Leste 2002 Constitution.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,
The Constitution of Ecuador 28 was ratified on September 2008. Articles 11.2, 19, 66.8, 66.11, and 66.28 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 1 declares Ecuador a secular state.
Constitution Project. “Ecuador 2008 (Rev. 2021) Constitution.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,
The Constitution of the Arab Republic of Egypt was ratified on January 18, 2014. Articles 53 and 64 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 2 declares Islam Egypt’s official religion and Sharia a guiding principle of legislation.
Constitution Project. “Egypt 2014 (Rev. 2019) Constitution.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,
====El Salvador====
The Constitution of El Salvador was ratified 20 December 1983. Articles 3, 6, 25 and 58 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 26 recognizes the Catholic Church.
Constitution Project. “El Salvador 1983 (Rev. 2014) Constitution.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,
====Equatorial Guinea====
The Constitution of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea was ratified in 1991. Articles 13(f), Article 15.1, and 24.3-4 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination.
Constitution Project. “Equatorial Guinea 1991 (Rev. 2012) Constitution.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,
The Constitution of Eritrea was ratified on 23 May 1997, although the constitution has still not been fully implemented. Articles 14 and 19 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination.
Constitution Project. “Eritrea 1997 Constitution.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,
The Constitution of the Republic of Estonia was ratified on 28 June 1992. Articles 12, 40, and 124 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination.
Andmevara, AS. “The Constitution of the Republic of Estonia.” Riigi Teataja, Riigi Teataja, 21 May 2015,
The Constitution of the Kingdom of Swaziland Act was signed in 2005. Articles 14, 20, and 23 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit discrimination of religion.
Constitution Project. “Eswatini 2005 Constitution.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,
1995 Constitution of Ethiopia was ratified on 21 August 1995. Article 11, 21, 25, 27, and 38 grants religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Articles 11 declares a separation of church and state. Constitution Project.
“Ethiopia 1994 Constitution.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,
The Constitution of the Republic of Fiji was ratified on September 6, 2013. Articles 4, 17, 22, and 26 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination.
Parliament of Fiji. “Constitution of the Republic of Fiji.” Constitution of the Republic of Fiji - Laws of Fiji, Office of the Attorney General Fiji, 2013,,the%20procedures%20in%20the%20Constitution.
The Constitution of Finland was ratified 1 March 2000. Sections 6 and 11 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination.
Constitution Project. “Finland's Constitution of 1999 with Amendments through 2011.” Constitute , POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,
The constitution of Gabon was ratified in 1991. Articles 1.2, 1.13, and 2 grants religious freedom, equality, and prohibits religious discrimination. Article 2 declares Gabon a secular state.
Constitution Project. “Gabon's Constitution of 1991 with Amendments through 2011.” Constitute. POGO, April 27, 2022. Last modified April 27, 2022. Accessed June 13, 2022.
====The Gambia====
The Constitution of the Gambia was ratified on March 29, 2020. Articles 1.3, 4.d, 12, 32, 49, 67, 69, 274.1(d), and 296.2(d) offer extensive religious protections and prohibit religious discrimination. Articles 88.5(b) and 153.2(b) declare that the president and national assembly may not establish a national religion.
Constitution Project “Gambia (the) 2020 Constitution.” Constitute. POGO, April 27, 2022. Last modified April 27, 2022. Accessed June 14, 2022.
The Constitution of Georgia was ratified on August 24, 1995. Articles 11.1, 11.2, 16.1, and 16.3 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 8 recognized the Orthodox Church of Georgia, but not declare it the national religion outright.
State Constitutional Commission of Georgia. “Constitution of Georgia.” Legislative Herald of Georgia. Departments of the Parliament of Georgia, August 24, 1995. Last modified August 24, 1995. Accessed June 14, 2022.
The Constitution of Ghana was ratified 28 April 1992. Articles 12.2, 17.2, 17.3, 21.1(c), and 26.1 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination.
Parliament of Ghana. “The Constitution of the Republic of Ghana 1992.” Judicial Service of Ghana. Republic of Ghana Judiciary , 1992. Last modified 1992. Accessed June 14, 2022.
The Constitution of Greece was ratified 11 June 1975. Articles 5.2 and 13 protect religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 3 recognizes the Eastern Orthodox Church of Christ as the prevailing religion of Greece.
Hellenic Parliament. “001-156 Syntagma UK New - Hellenic Parliament.” Hellenic Parliament. Hellenic Parliament, 2008. Last modified 2008. Accessed June 14, 2022.
The Grenada Constitution of 1973 was ratified on 19th of December 1973. Article 9 grants religious freedom, equality, and prohibits religious discrimination. The preamble acknowledges the supremacy of God.
Government of Grenada . “The Grenada Constitution.” Government of Grenada. Government of Grenada , 1973. Last modified 1973. Accessed June 14, 2022.
Constitution of the Republic of Guatemala was ratified 31 May 1985. Articles 19(c), 33, 36, 37 and 73 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination.
Constitution Project. “Guatemala 1985 (Rev. 1993) Constitution.” Constitute. POGO, April 27, 2022. Last modified April 27, 2022. Accessed June 14, 2022.
Constitution of the Republic of Guinea was ratified on May 7, 2010. Articles 1, 4, 7, 8, 11, and 14 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 1 declares Guinea a secular state.
Constitution Project. “Guinea 2010 Constitution.” Constitute. POGO, April 27, 2022. Last modified April 27, 2022. Accessed June 14, 2022.
The Constitution of Guinea-Bissau was ratified on 6 May 1984. Articles 6.2, 24, 31.2, and 52 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Articles 1 and 130 declares Guinea-Bissau a secular state; and Article 6.1 declares a separation between church and state.
Constitution Project. “Guinea-Bissau 1984 (Rev. 1996) Constitution.” Constitute. POGO, April 27, 2022. Last modified April 27, 2022. Accessed June 14, 2022.
The Constitution of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana Act was ratified 20th February, 1980. Articles 38(f), 145.2, and 145.3 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Articles 212B(a) and 212D(f) establish an Ethnic Relations Commission to protect religious diversity.
Parliament of Guyana. “Constitution of the Co-Operative Republic of Guyana Act .” Parliament Government of Guyana. National Assembly of the Parliament of Guyana | Parliament of Guyana, January 2012. Last modified January 2012. Accessed June 14, 2022.
The Constitution of Haiti was ratified on June 20, 2012. Articles 30, 30-1, and 30-2 grant religious freedoms. The Constitution of Haiti does not directly prohibit religious discrimination or declare religious equality; however, Haiti does grant protection against discrimination more generally in the preamble.
Constitution Project. “Haiti 1987 (Rev. 2012) Constitution.” Constitute. POGO, April 27, 2022. Last modified April 27, 2022. Accessed June 14, 2022.
The Political Constitution of the Republic of Honduras was ratified on 11 January 1982. Articles 77 grants freedom of religion. Articles 60 and 61 bans all forms of discrimination and grants equality for all, religion is not specified.
Constitution Project. “Honduras 1982 (Rev. 2013) Constitution.” Constitute. POGO, April 27, 2022. Last modified April 27, 2022. Accessed June 14, 2022.
The Fundamental Law of Hungary was ratified 18 on April 2011. The preamble distinguishes Christianity’s role in preserving nationhood. Articles 7, 9.5, 14.3, 15.2, and 37.4 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination.
Ministry of Justice 2017. “The Fundamental Law of Hungary.” Website of the Hungarian Government. National Assembly of Hungary , May 19, 2017. Last modified May 19, 2017. Accessed June 14, 2022.
The Constitution of the Republic of Iceland was ratified on June 17, 1944. Articles 63, 64, and 65 grant religious freedom and equality.
National Parliament of Iceland. “Constitution of the Republic of Iceland.” Government of Iceland. Prime Minister's Office , June 24, 1999. Last modified June 24, 1999. Accessed June 14, 2022.
Constitution of India was ratified on November 29, 1949. Articles 15, 16.2, 23.2, 25, 26, 27, 29.2, 30, and 325 grant religious Freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 371 grants special religious protections throughout various states and religions of India.
Constituent Assembly. “The Constitution of India.” Government of India. Department of Legislation , November 26, 2021. Last modified November 26, 2021. Accessed June 14, 2022.
The 1945 State Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia was ratified on August 18, 1945. Articles 22E, 28I, and 29.2 grant religious freedom; articles 28B and 28I prohibit any basis of discrimination. The preamble and article 29.1 states that the state of Indonesian is based on the One and Only God.
Constituent Assembly. “The Constitution of India.” Government of India. Department of Legislation , November 26, 2021. Last modified November 26, 2021. Accessed June 14, 2022.
The Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran was ratified on December 3, 1979. Article 13 states Zoroastrian, Jewish, and Christian Iranians are allowed to practice freely within the limits of the law and are the only recognized religious minority groups. Article 12 states Islam is the official religion of Iran.
Constitution Project. “Iran (Islamic Republic of) 1979 (Rev. 1989) Constitution.” Constitute. POGO, April 27, 2022. Last modified April 27, 2022. Accessed June 16, 2022.
The Constitution of the Republic of Iraq was ratified on September 18, 2005. Articles 2.2, 10, 14, 37.2, 41, and 43 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 2.1 declares Islam the official religion of Iraq and foundation source of legislation.
Constitution Project. “Iraq 2005 Constitution.” Constitute. POGO, April 27, 2022. Last modified April 27, 2022. Accessed June 16, 2022.
====Republic of Ireland====
The Constitution of the Italian Republic was ratified on 22 December 1947. Articles 3, 8, 19, and 20 grant religious freedom and equality. Article 7 states a separation between the state of Italy and the Catholic Church.
Badan Penyelidik Usaha-usaha Persiapan Kemerdekaan Indonesia. “Mahkamah Konstitusirepublik Indonesia.” The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia. The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia, 2020. Last modified 2020. Accessed June 16, 2022.
====Ivory Coast====
The Constitution of the Republic of Ivory Coast was ratified on October 30, 2016. Articles 4, 14, 19, and 23 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. The preamble, articles 49, and 178 declare Ivory Coast to be a secular state.
Constitution Project. “Côte D'Ivoire 2016 Constitution.” Constitute. POGO, April 27, 2022. Last modified April 27, 2022. Accessed June 16, 2022.
The Jamaican Order in Council was ratified in 1962. Articles 13, 14(a), and 17 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination.
Jamaican Legislature. “The Jamaica (Constitution) Order in Council 1962 .” Jamaican Informational Service . Jamaican Informational Service , 2017. Last modified 2017. Accessed June 16, 2022.
The Constitution of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan was ratified 1 January 1952. Articles 6 and 14 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 2 declares Islam the official religion.
Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Constitutional Court “Jordanian Constitution.” CCO. Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Constitutional Court, 2022. Last modified 2022. Accessed June 17, 2022.
The Constitution of Kenya was ratified on 4 August 2010. Articles 21.3, 27.4, and 32 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. The Preamble acknowledges the supremacy of God, Article 8 declares no state religion.
KLRC. “Home.” Kenya Law Reform Commission (KLRC). KLRC, 2022. Last modified 2022. Accessed June 17, 2022.
The Constitution of Kiribati was ratified in 1979. Articles 11 grants religious freedom and  protections.
PACII. “Constitution of Kiribati.” Pacific Islands Legal Information Institute . University of the South Pacific School of Law, May 6, 2022. Last modified May 6, 2022. Accessed June 17, 2022.
The Constitution of Kuwait was ratified on 11 November 1962. Articles 35 and 29 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious. Article 2 declares Islam the official Religion.
Constitution Project. “Kuwait 1962 (Reinst. 1992) Constitution .” Constitute . POGO, April 27, 2022. Last modified April 27, 2022. Accessed June 17, 2022.
The Constitution of the Lao People's Democratic Republic was ratified on August 14, 1991. Articles 9 and 43 grant freedom of religion.
Constitution Project. “Lao People's Democratic Republic's Constitution of 1991 with Amendments through 2015.” Constitute. POGO, April 27, 2022. Last modified April 27, 2022. Accessed June 17, 2022.
The Constitution of the Republic of Latvia or Satversme was ratified on 15 February 1922; and promulgated on May 4, 1990, after declaring the USSR invasion illegal. Articles 99 grant religious freedom, while 91 bans all forms of discrimination. Latvia being build on Christian Values is cited in the preamble.
The Constitutional Assembly. “Latvijas Republikas Satversme.” LIKUMI Latvia . Latvijas Vēstnesis, 1993. Last modified 1993. Accessed June 17, 2022.
The Lebanese Constitution was ratified on 23 May 1926. Articles 9, 10, 19, and 22 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination.
Parliament of Lebanon. “The Lebanese Constitution - Parliament of Lebanon.” Presidency of the Republic of Lebanon. Presidency of the Republic of Lebanon, 1995. Last modified 1995. Accessed June 17, 2022.
The Constitution of Lesotho was ratified on April 2, 1993. Articles 4.1, 13, 16.1, 18.3, 18.5, and 26.1 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination.
Constitution Project. “Lesotho 1993 (Rev. 2018) Constitution.” Constitute. POGO, April 27, 2022. Last modified April 27, 2022. Accessed June 17, 2022.
Constitution of the Republic of Liberia was ratified on 6 January 1986. Articles 14, and 18 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Articles 14 declares a separation between religion and the state.
National Constitution Committee. “1986 Constitution of the Republic of Liberia.” Judiciary of the Republic of Liberia. Supreme Court of Liberia, 1986. Last modified 1986. Accessed June 17, 2022.
The Libyan Interim Constitutional Declaration was adopted on 3 August 2011. Article 6 grants freedom of religion and prohibits religious discrimination. Article 1 declares Islam the official religion of Libya.
Constitution Project. “Libya 2011 (Rev. 2012) Constitution - Constitute.” Constitute. POGO, April 27, 2022. Last modified April 27, 2022. Accessed June 17, 2022.
Constitution of the Principality of Liechtenstein was ratified on 5 October 1921. Articles 37.1 and 39 grants religious freedom. Article 37.2 declares the Roman Catholic Church is the official church.
Parliament of Liechtenstein. “Constitution of the Principality of Liechtenstein.” State Administration of the Principality of Liechtenstein. State Administration of the Principality of Liechtenstein, 2014. Last modified 2014. Accessed June 17, 2022.
Constitution Of the Republic of Lithuania was ratified on 25 October 1992 Articles 26, 27, and 43 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit discrimination. Article 43 declares no official religion
Parliament of Lithuania . “CONSTITUTION OF THE REPUBLIC OF LITHUANIA.” Lietuvos Respubilkos Siemas . Parliament of Lithuania , March 20, 2003. Last modified March 20, 2003. Accessed June 17, 2022.
The Constitution of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg was promulgated on 12 October 1841. Articles 19 grants freedom of religion.
Parliament of Luxembourg. “CONSTITUTION of the GRAND DUCHY OF LUXEMBOURG.” Legilux. Official Newspaper of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, 2009. Last modified 2009. Accessed June 17, 2022.
====Marshall Islands====
Mauritania’s constitution was adopted on 12 July 1991. The preamble and Article 1 guarantee equality under the law, however it does not include religion as a distinct protected class; it is likely that there isn’t much religious freedom in Mauritania. Article 5 declares that Islam is the state religion.
Constitution Project. “Mauritania 1991 (Rev. 2012) Constitution.” Constitute. POGO , April 27, 2022. Last modified April 27, 2022. Accessed June 21, 2022.
The Constitution of the Republic of Mauritius was ratified on 12 March 1968. Articles 11 and 14.1 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination.
Mauritius National Assembly. Mauritius National Assembly. Mauritius Government, May 2018. Last modified May 2018. Accessed June 21, 2022.
The Political Constitution of the Mexican United States was ratified on 5 February 1917. Articles 1, 3.2(c), 24, 27.2, 130(b-d) grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 130 declares a separation of church and state; and that religious minister cannot promote candidate, nor attack national symbols.
Constituent Congress of 1917. “Koxtitusion Poríitika Mejikopo Nesaweme Constitución ... -” Senate of the Republic. Mexican Government, 2005. Last modified 2005. Accessed June 21, 2022.
====Federated States of Micronesia====
The Constitution of the Federated States of Micronesia was ratified in 1978. Article 4 Section 2 grant religious freedom and equality. Article 4 Section 2 bans declaration of an official religion or laws in regard to religion.
Micronesian Constitutional Convention in 1975. “CONSTITUTION OF THE FEDERATED STATES OF MICRONESIA.” Legal Information System of the Federated States of Micronesia . Government of the Federated States of Micronesia , 2005. Last modified 2005. Accessed June 21, 2022.
Constitution of the Republic of Moldova was ratified on 27 July 1994. Articles 10.2, 31, 32.3, and 35.8 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. The preamble declares secular aspirations for the state of Moldova.
Parliament of the Republic of Moldova. “Constitution of the Republic of Moldova .” Constitutional Court of the Republic of Moldova . Constitutional Court of the Republic of Moldova , 2022. Last modified 2022. Accessed June 21, 2022.
Constitution Of the Principality of Monaco was ratified on December 17th 1962 Article 23 grants religious freedom. Article 9 declares Catholicism the official state religion.
Prince Rainer III and National Council of Monaco. Princely Government of the Principality of Monaco . Princely Government of the Principality of Monaco , 2002. Last modified 2002. Accessed June 21, 2022.
The Fundamental Law of Mongolia was ratified on 13 January 1992. Articles 14, 16.15, and 19.2 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 9 declares that the state may not engage in religious activities.
The People's Great Khural. “The Constitution of Mongolia.” Constitutional Court of Mongolia . Constitutional Court of Mongolia , 2022. Last modified 2022. Accessed June 21, 2022.
The Constitution of the Republic of Montenegro was ratified on October 12, 1992. Articles 11, 34, 43, 67, 70, 74, and 76 grant extensive religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 11 declares separation of church and state.
The Assembly of the Republic of Montenegro. “Constitution of the Republic of Montenegro.” Government of Montenegro. Ministry of Justice, January 30, 2004. Last modified January 30, 2004. Accessed June 21, 2022.
The Constitution of the Kingdom of Morocco was ratified on 1 July 2011. Articles 3 grants freedom of religion; Article 19 bans all forms of discrimination include beliefs. Article 3 declares Islam the official religion of Morocco.
Constitution Project, 2022. “” Constitute . POGO, April 27, 2022. Last modified April 27, 2022. Accessed June 21, 2022.
The Constitution of the Republic of Mozambique was ratified on December 21, 2004. Articles 12.3, 12.4, 35, 39, 54, 71.1, 251, and 286 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit discrimination. Articles 12.2 and 292.1(c) create a separation between religion and the state.
Constitution Project. “Mozambique 2004 (Rev. 2007) Constitution.” Constitute. POGO, 2012. Last modified 2012. Accessed June 21, 2022.
The Constitution of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar was ratified on 29 May 2008. Articles 34, 348, 352, 354(d), 363, and 368 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 362 recognizes Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Animism as religions in the country.
Constitution Project. “Myanmar 2008 Constitution.” Constitute. POGO, April 27, 2022. Last modified April 27, 2022. Accessed June 21, 2022.
Constitution of the Republic of Namibia was ratified on 09 February 1990. Articles 10.2, 14.1, 19, 21, and 97 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. The preamble and Article 1.1 declare Namibia a secular state.
Hishoono, Naita. “THE Constitution in the 21st Century Perspectives on the Context and Future of Namibia’s Supreme Law.” CMS. Namibia Institute for Democracy (NID) and the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR), 2011. Last modified 2011. Accessed June 23, 2022.
The Constitution of the Republic of Nauru was ratified on 29 January 1968. Article 11 grants religious freedom and equality.
Parliament of Nauru. “THE CONSTITUTION OF NAURU.” Government of the Republic of Nauru. Parliament of Nauru, 2013. Last modified 2013. Accessed June 23, 2022.
====Kingdom of the Netherlands====
The Constitution of the Kingdom of the Netherlands was ratified on 29 March 1814. Articles 1, 6.1, 23.3, and 23.5 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination.
Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties. “The Constitution of the Kingdom of the Netherlands 2008.” Government of the Netherlands. Ministerie van Algemene Zaken, April 29, 2014. Last modified April 29, 2014. Accessed June 23, 2022.
====New Zealand====
The New Zealand Bill of Rights Act(NZBORA) of 1990 was ratified on 28 August 1990; the Human Rights Act of 1993 was ratified 10 August 1993. Articles 13, 15, and 20 of the NZBORA and Articles 21.1(c), 21.1(d), 25.1(ai), 26, 27.2, 28, 39.1, 55, and 58.1 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination.
Parliament of New Zealand. “Human Rights Act 1993.” New Zealand Legislation. The Parliamentary Counsel Office, 2021. Last modified 2021. Accessed June 23, 2022.
Parliament of New Zealand. “New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990.” New Zealand Legislation. Parliamentary Counsel Office, 2011. Last modified 2011. Accessed June 23, 2022.
The Constitution of Nicaragua was ratified on January 1, 1987. Articles 27, 29, 49, 69, 82.1, 124, and 180 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit discrimination. Articles 14 declare that Nicaragua has no official religion.
Constitution Project. “Nicaragua 1987 (Rev. 2014) Constitution.” Constitute. POGO, April 27, 2022. Last modified April 27, 2022. Accessed June 23, 2022.
The Constitution of Niger was ratified on 31 October 2010. Articles 8, 17, and 30 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 3 declares a separation of church and state.
Constitution Project. “Niger 2010 (Rev. 2017) Constitution.” Constitute. POGO, April 27, 2022. Last modified April 27, 2022. Accessed June 23, 2022.
The Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria was ratified on May 29, 1999. Articles 15.2, 38, and 42.1 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious freedom. Article 10 forbids a declaration of a state religion.
National Assembly of Nigeria. “Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.” Nigeria Law. Nigeria Law, 2011. Last modified 2011. Accessed June 23, 2022.
====North Korea====
The Socialist Constitution of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea was ratified on 27 December 1972. Articles 66 and 68 grant religious freedom.
Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea. “DPRK Constitution (2019).” NCNK. Last modified 2019. Accessed June 24, 2022.
====North Macedonia====
The Constitution of the Republic of North Macedonia was ratified on 17 November 1991. Articles 9, 19, 20, 48, 54, 110, and amendments VII.2 and VIII.1 grant religious freedom, equality and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 19 and Amendment VII.1 declares a separation of church and state.
Republic of Macedonia. “Constitution of the Republic of North Macedonia.” Government of the Republic of North Macedonia. Last modified 2019. Accessed June 24, 2022.
The Basic Statute of the State of the Islamic Sultanate of Oman was decreed on November 6, 1966. Articles 17 and 28 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Article declares Islam the official religion of Oman.
Sultan Haitham . “ROYAL DECREE NO. (101/96).” Ministry of Justice and Legal Affairs . Last modified 2022. Accessed June 24, 2022.
The Constitution of the Republic of Palau was ratified on 9 July 1980. Articles IV section 1 and section 5 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Article IV section 1 declares no official state religion.
Constitution Project. “Palau's Constitution of 1981 with Amendments through 1992.” Constitute . POGO, April 27, 2022. Last modified April 27, 2022. Accessed June 24, 2022.
The Constitution of Panama was ratified on October 11, 1972. Articles 19, 35, 36, 45, 67, 94, 181 and 300 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 35 recognizes that the majority of Panamanians are Catholic and article 107 declares that Catholicism is to be taught in schools.
Constitution Project. “Panama 1972 (Rev. 2004) Constitution.” Constitute. POGO, April 27, 2022. Last modified April 27, 2022. Accessed June 24, 2022.
====Papua New Guinea====
The Constitution of the Independent State of Papua New Guinea. Articles 2.1, 2.5, 45, 55.1, and 233.3(aiii) grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination.
Parliament of Papua New Guinea. “Constitution of the Independent State of Papua New Guinea.” National Parliament of Papua New Guinea. Last modified 2022. Accessed June 24, 2022.
The Constitution of the Republic of Paraguay was ratified on June 20, 1992. Articles 24, 37, 63, 74 and 88 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 24 declares the relationship between the state and the Catholic church to be independent, cooperative, and autonomy.
Constitution Project. “Paraguay 1992 (Rev. 2011) Constitution.” Constitute. POGO, April 27, 2022. Last modified April 27, 2022. Accessed June 24, 2022.
The Constitution of Peru was ratified on 31 December 1993. Articles 2.2, 2.3, and 37 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 50 recognizes the Catholic Church as historically, culturally, and morally important.
Constitution Project. “Peru 1993 (Rev. 2021) Constitution.” Constitute. POGO, April 27, 2022. Last modified April 27, 2022. Accessed June 24, 2022.
The constitution of the Republic of the Philippines was ratified on February 2, 1987. Articles 3 section 5, 6 Section 28(3), 14 Section 3(3) grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit discrimination. Article 3 section 5 forbids the Philippines from the establishment of a state religion.
Constitutional Commission of 1986. “The Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines: Govph.” Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines. Last modified 2022. Accessed June 24, 2022.
The Constitution of the Republic of Poland was ratified on April 2, 1997. Articles 25, 35.2, 53, 85.3, 233.1 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination.
“THE CONSTITUTION OF THE REPUBLIC OF POLAND OF 2nd APRIL, 1997.” The Sejm of the Republic of Poland. Last modified 1997. Accessed June 24, 2022.
The Constitution of the Portuguese Republic was ratified on 2 April 1976. Articles 13.2, 19.6, 35.3, 41, and 59.1 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 41.4 creates a separation of Church and State.
Parliament of Portugal. “Constitution of the Portuguese Republic Seventh Revision.” Assembly of the Republic. Last modified 2005. Accessed June 24, 2022.
The Constitution of Qatar Dastūr was ratified on 9 April 2004. Articles 35 and 50 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 1 declares Islam the Official religion.
Qatar Constitutional Committee . “The Constitution.” Government Communications Office. Last modified 2022. Accessed June 24, 2022.
The Constitution of Romania was ratified on 8 December 1991. Articles 4.2, 6.1, 7, 29, 32.7, and 44.4 grants religious freedom, equality, and prohibits religious discrimination.
Presidential Administration of Romania. “The Constitution of Romania.” Presidency of Romania . Last modified 2022. Accessed June 24, 2022.
The Law on Freedom of Conscience and Religious Associations was ratified on September 26, 1997. This law grants religious freedom, equality, and prohibits religious discrimination. The Law was made after the constitution failed to protect these rights.
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. “Russia: Information on the Law ‘on Freedom of Conscience and Religious Associations’ and Its Impact on Religious Minorities.” Refworld. Canada: Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada, November 1997. Last modified November 1997. Accessed June 27, 2022.
The Constitution of Rwanda was ratified on May 26, 2003. Articles 16, 37, 57, and 136 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 4 declares Rwanda a secular state.
Constitution Project. “Rwanda 2003 (Rev. 2015) Constitution.” Constitute. POGO, April 27, 2022. Last modified April 27, 2022. Accessed June 27, 2022.
====Saint Kitts and Nevis====
The Saint Christopher and Nevis Constitution Order 1983 was ratified on June 23, 1983. Articles 11 and 15 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination.
The National Assembly of Saint Kitts and Nevis . “Constitution of St. Christopher and Nevis.” Nevis Island Administration. Last modified October 28, 2017. Accessed June 27, 2022.
====Saint Lucia====
The Saint Lucia Constitution Order 1978 was ratified on 20th December 1978. Articles 1, 9, and 15 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious freedom.
Government of Saint Lucia. Government of Saint Lucia. Last modified 2022. Accessed June 27, 2022.
====Saint Vincent and the Grenadines====
The Saint Vincent Constitution Order 1979 was ratified on 26th July 1979. Articles 9 and 13.3 grant religious freedom and prohibit religious discrimination. The preamble declares the Supremacy of God.
House of Assembly of Saint Vincent. “Constitution of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.” Government of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. Last modified November 11, 2005. Accessed June 27, 2022.
The Constitution of the Independent State of Samoa was ratified on May 10, 1961. Articles 11, 12, and 15 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. The preamble declares that Samoa is based on Christian principles.
Constitutional Convention of Samoa. “Constitution of the Independent State of Samoa 1960.” Government of Samoa. Government of Samoa, 2017. Last modified 2017. Accessed June 28, 2022.
====San Marino====
Declaration of Citizens' Rights and of the fundamental principles of the San Marinese legal order was ratified on July 8, 1974. Article 4 and 6 grant religious equality, freedom, and prohibit religious discrimination.
Right of Assembly. “San Marino: Constitution - 1974.” Last modified 2022. Accessed June 28, 2022.
====São Tomé and Príncipe====
The constitution of The Constitution of the Democratic Republic of São Tomé and Príncipe was ratified on November 5, 1975. Articles 15.1, and 27 guarantee religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 8 creates a separation of church and state; and Article 154(b) declares the state to be secular.
Constitution Project. “Sao Tome and Principe 1975 (Rev. 2003) Constitution.” Constitute. POGO, April 27, 2022. Last modified April 27, 2022. Accessed June 28, 2022.
====Saudi Arabia====
King Fahd Bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud decreed the basic law of governance on March 1, 1992. Article 1 declares Saudi Arabia an Islamic State and the official religion Islam. There are no official religious freedom guaranteed in Saudia Arabi.
King Fahd Bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud. “The Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia.” Basic Law of Governance | The Embassy of The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Last modified March 1, 1992. Accessed June 28, 2022. 
The Constitution of the Republic of Senegal was ratified on 7 January 2001. Articles 1, 5, 8, 22, and 24 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 1 declares Senegal to be a secular state.
Constitution Project. “Senegal 2001 (Rev. 2016) Constitution.” Constitute. POGO, April 27, 2022. Last modified April 27, 2022. Accessed June 28, 2022.
The Constitution of the Republic of Serbia was ratified November 8, 2006. Article 5, 21, 39, 43, 44, 45, 48, 49, 57, 79, and 81 grant extensive religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 11 declares Serbia a secular state and creates a separation of church and state.
The National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia. “CALLING A REPUBLIC REFERENDUM TO ENDORSE THE NEW CONSTITUTION OF THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA.” Government of the Republic of Serbia . Last modified 2006. Accessed June 28, 2022.
The Constitution of the Republic of Seychelles Act was ratified on June 18, 1993. The Articles 21 and 27 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit discrimination.
Government of Seychelles . “Constitution of the Republic Seychelles (Preparation and Promulgation) Act, 1992.” Last modified 1993.
====Sierra Leone====
The Constitution of Sierra Leone was ratified on October 1, 1991. Articles 6.2, 8.3(b), 13(e), and 24 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination.
Parliament of Sierra Leone. “The Constitution of Sierra Leone, 1991.” Public Sector Reform Unit. Office of the President, 2016. Last modified 2016. Accessed June 30, 2022.
The Constitution of Singapore was ratified on 22 December 1965. Articles 12, 15, 16, and 150.5(iii) grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 153 grants a provision for a council to regulate Muslim affairs.
Parliament of Singapore . “CONSTITUTION OF THE REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE.” Singapore Statutes Online. Last modified December 1, 2021. Accessed June 30, 2022.
Constitution Of The Slovak Republic The articles 12.2, 24, and 25.2 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 1 states that Slovakia is not bound by any religion.
National Council of the Slovak Republic. “Constitution of the Slovak Republic.” President of the Slovak Republic. Last modified 2017. Accessed June 30, 2022.
The Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia was ratified on December 23, 1991. Articles 14, 16, 41, 63, and 123 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious. Article 7 separates church and state.
National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia. “THE CONSTITUTION OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA.” Republic of Slovenia. Last modified 2016. Accessed June 30, 2022.
====Solomon Islands====
The Solomon Islands Independence Order 1978 was ratified on 8th June 1978. Articles 3, 11, and 15.4 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination.
Parliament of the Solomon Islands . “The Solomon Islands Independence Order 1978.” Last modified 1978. Accessed July 3, 2022.
The Provisional Federal Constitution of Somalia was ratified on August 1, 2012. Article 11 declares religious equality and prohibits religious discrimination, while article 17 declares religious freedom. Article 2 declares Islam the state religion and that no other religion can be propagated in the country.
Constitution Project. “Somalia 2012 Constitution.” Constitute. POGO, April 27, 2022. Last modified April 27, 2022. Accessed July 5, 2022.
====South Africa====
The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa was ratified on December 18, 1996. Articles 9, 15, and 31 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination.
Government of South Africa . “The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa.” South African Government. Last modified 2003. Accessed July 5, 2022.,the%20provisions%20of%20the%20Constitution.
====South Korea====
The Constitution of the Republic of South Korea was ratified on July 12, 1948. Articles 11 and 20.1 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 20.2 declares a separation between church and state.
The National Assembly of the Republic of Korea. “Constitution of South Korea .” Last modified 1987. Accessed July 5, 2022.
====South Sudan====
The Transitional Constitution of the Republic of South Sudan was ratified on July 9, 2011. Articles 8.2, 14, 23, 29.1, 31.1(e), 122.5(a), 139(d), 169.6, and 190(a) grant religious freedom, equality, and extensively prohibit religious discrimination. Article 8.1 declares a separation between church and state.
Constitution Project. “South Sudan 2011 (Rev. 2013) Constitution.” Constitute. POGO, April 27, 2022. Last modified April 27, 2022. Accessed July 5, 2022.
Freedom of religion is established within the Constitution and established a secular state. The Catholic Church, however, has established itself as a central player within Spanish politics, with its prominent role in the People's Party. It also has special privileges within Spanish society (U.S. Department of State, "SPAIN 2018 INTERNATIONAL RELIGIOUS FREEDOM REPORT").
====Sri Lanka====
The Constitution provides freedom of thought and religion. It recognizes four religions (Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, and Islam). It also designates Buddhism as the state religion, thus giving it priority (U.S. Department of State, "2018 Report on International Religious Freedom: Sri Lanka").
Articles 4, 41, 43, 48, 56, 62.1, and 66 grant religious freedoms, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. There is no mention of Islam and Sharia Law, which was a corner stone in their previous constitution.
Constitution Project. “Sudan 2019 Constitution.” Constitute. POGO, April 27, 2022. Last modified April 27, 2022. Accessed July 5, 2022.
The Constitution of the Republic of Suriname was ratified on 30 September 1987. Articles 8.2, 18, and 28 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination.
Constitution Project . “Suriname 1987 (Rev. 1992) Constitution.” Constitute. POGO, April 27, 2022. Last modified April 27, 2022. Accessed July 5, 2022.
The Constitution of Sweden was ratified in 1974, and came into force on January 1, 1975. Chapter 1 Article 2, Chapter 2 Article 1.6, 2, 21, 23, and Chapter 7 Article 4.11 grant religious freedoms, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination.
Riksdag. “The Constitution of Sweden.” Last modified 2016. Accessed July 5, 2022.
The Federal Constitution of the Swiss Confederation was ratified on 12 September 1848. Articles 8.2 and 15 grants religious freedom and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 72 leaves the regulation of religion to preserve public peace to the cantons.
The Federal Constitution. “Federal Constitution of the Swiss Confederation.” Last modified February 13, 2022. Accessed July 5, 2022.
The Constitution of the Syrian Arab Republic was ratified on February 26, 2012. Articles 3 and 33.3 grant religious freedom and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 3 also declares the president must me Islamic and Islam Jurisprudence or Sharia is the main source of legislation.
Constitution Project. “Syrian Arab Republic 2012 Constitution.” Constitute. POGO, April 27, 2022. Last modified April 27, 2022. Accessed July 5, 2022.
The Constitution provides religious freedom and establishes separation between church and state. All religious activity is required to be reported to the state. An amendment to current law (enforced in January 2018) permits restrictions on religious activity for the sole purpose of ensuring the rights and freedoms of others, as well as banning one religious sect from being state ideology (U.S. Department of State, "2018 Report on International Religious Freedom: Tajikistan").
The Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania was ratified in 1977. Article 9, 13, 19, and 39.2 grants religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. The preamble and article 3 declare Tanzania to be secular.
THE UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA Office of The Attorney General. “The Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania of 1977.” Last modified 2005. Accessed July 5, 2022.
The Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand was ratified on April 6, 2017. Article 5, 30, and 37 grants religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 9 states the king must be Buddhist and article 79 declares the state maintain that most Thais are Buddhists.
Office of the Council of the State. “Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand.” Last modified 2017. Accessed July 5, 2022.
The Constitution of Togo was ratified on 14th of October 1992. Articles 2, 11, and 25 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Articles 1, 25, and 144 declare the State as secular.
Constitution Project. “Togo 1992 (Rev. 2007) Constitution.” Constitute. POGO, April 27, 2022. Last modified April 27, 2022. Accessed July 5, 2022.
The Act of Constitution of Tonga was ratified on 4 November 1875. Article 5 grant freedom of worship.
Parliament of Tonga. “The Constitution of Tonga.” Last modified 2020. Accessed July 5, 2022. file:///C:/Users/14432/Downloads/ConstitutionofTonga.pdf_3.pdf.
====Trinidad and Tobago====
Trinidad and Tobago (Constitution) Order in Council 1962 ratified on 4 November 1875. Articles 1 and 1(h) grants religious freedom and prohibit religious discrimination.
Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. “Trinidad and Tobago Independence Act 1962.” Last modified 2012. Accessed July 5, 2022.
The Constitution of Tunisia was ratified on 27 January 2014. Articles 6 grants freedom of religion. Article 1 declares Islam the state religion; Article 74 declares the president must be Muslim.
Constitution Project. “Tunisia 2014 Constitution.” Constitute. POGO, April 27, 2022. Last modified April 27, 2022. Accessed July 5, 2022.
The Constitution of the Republic of Turkey was ratified on 7 November 1982. Articles 10, 15, and 24 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 2, 13, 14, 68, 136, 174, and the oath of office repeatedly define the state as secular and safeguard the secularism of the government of Turkey.
The Grand National Assembly of Türkiye. “Constitution of the Republic of Turkey.” Last modified July 23, 1995. Accessed July 5, 2022.
The Constitution ensures a secular state, but is significantly limited. The state requires that all religious organizations must register--as of now, only Sunni Muslims and Russian Orthodoxes are registered (U.S. Department of State, "UZBEKISTAN 2018 INTERNATIONAL RELIGIOUS FREEDOM REPORT").
The Constitution of Tuvalu was ratified on October 1, 1978. Articles 11, 23, and 27 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. The preamble declare Tuvalu to be based on Christian principles.
Tuvalu Government . “ THE CONSTITUTION OF TUVULA .” Last modified 2008. Accessed July 5, 2022. file:///C:/Users/14432/Downloads/Constitution-of-Tuvalu.pdf.
The Constitution of the Republic of Uganda was ratified on October 8, 1995. Articles 21.2, 21.3, 29, and 37 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 7 states that Uganda shall not adopt a state religion.
Parliament of Uganda . “Constitution of Uganda.” Last modified March 7, 2018. Accessed July 5, 2022.
The Constitution of Ukraine was ratified on June 28, 1996. Articles 11, 24, and 35 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 35 declares a separation of church and state.
Parliament of Ukraine. “The Constitution of Ukraine.” Last modified January 1, 2020. Accessed July 5, 2022.
====United Arab Emirates====
====United Kingdom====
The Toleration Act of 1689 allowed nonconformist religions, with the exception of Roman Catholicism, to practice. However, social penalties still persisted (U.K. Parliament, "Catholics and nonconformists"). The Human Rights Act of 1998 established the fundamental rights of citizens within the UK, including freedom of religion (Equality and Human Rights Commission, "The Human Rights Act," Article 9).
====United States====
Article 1 of the Bill of Rights in the Constitution establishes freedom of religion and its expression. Article 1 also prevent congress from declaring an official religion.
United States Senate . “Constitution of the United States of America.” Last modified 2021. Accessed July 6, 2022.
The Constitution of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay was ratified in 1830. Article 5 grants freedom of religion. Article 5 declares the states supports no religion.
Constitution Project. “Uruguay 1966 (Reinst. 1985, Rev. 2004) Constitution.” Constitute. POGO, April 27, 2022. Last modified April 27, 2022. Accessed July 5, 2022.
The Constitution guarantees freedom of religion and separation of church and state (U.S. Department of State, "UZBEKISTAN 2018 INTERNATIONAL RELIGIOUS FREEDOM REPORT").
The Constitution of the Republic of Vanuatu was ratified in 1979. Articles 5 grants religious freedom, equality, and prohibits religious discrimination. The preamble declares Vanuatu is founded on Christian principles.
Government of Vanuatu . “Constitution of the Republic of Vanuatu .” Last modified 2006. Accessed July 6, 2022.
The Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela was ratified on December 19, 1999. Articles 21.1, 59, and 89.5 grant religious freedom and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 119 protect the religious rights of indigenous people.
Constitution Project. “Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 1999 (Rev. 2009) Constitution.” Constitute. POGO, April 27, 2022. Last modified April 27, 2022. Accessed July 5, 2022.
The Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam was ratified on 15 April 1992. Article 24 grants religious freedom, while article 16 grants a general equality and protection from all discrimination. Article 9 declares Vietnam Fatherland Front, Communist Party in Vietnam, the representative of religions in Vietnam.
Constitution Project. “Vietnam 1992 (Rev. 2013) Constitution.” Constitute. POGO, April 27, 2022. Last modified April 27, 2022. Accessed July 6, 2022.
The Constitution of Yemen was ratified on May 16, 1991. Article 2 declares Islam the state religion. There are no mentions of specific religious freedom, equality, or prohibitions of religious discrimination. Article 42 does grant freedom of thought, speech, and expression of opinion within the law.
Constitution Project. “Yemen's Constitution of 1991 with Amendments through 2015.” Constitute . POGO, April 27, 2022. Last modified April 27, 2022. Accessed July 6, 2022.
The Constitution of Zambia (amendment) was ratified on January 5, 2016. The preamble protects freedom of religion, while also declaring it a Christian Republic. Articles 8(d), 118.2(a), and 173.3(a) prohibit discrimination and article 266 defines discrimination to include religious discrimination.
Parliament of Zambia . “Government of Zambia Act -.” Last modified January 5, 2016. Accessed July 6, 2022.,%202016-Act%20No.%202_0.pdf.
The Constitution of Zimbabwe was ratified on 16 March 2013. Articles 5(ciii), 56.3, and 60 grant religious freedoms, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination.
Parliament of Zimbabwe . “Constitution of Zimbabwe.” Last modified August 9, 2021. Accessed July 6, 2022.
===Is there another noteworthy written source from the past that mentions this right?===
===Is the identification of this right associated with a particular era in history, political regime, or political leader?===
===What specific events or ideas contributed to its identification as a fundamental right?===
===When was it generally accepted as a fundamental, legally-protectable right?===
===What historical forces or events, if any, contributed to a widespread belief in its importance? ===
==Legal Codification==
===Is this right protected in the Constitutions of most countries today?===
===Is it contained in the US Constitution?===
===Has it been interpreted as being implicit in the US Constitution?===
===Are there any exceptions in American law to this right?===
===Is this right enshrined in international and regional human rights treaties?===
==Philosophical Origins==
===What have religious and philosophical traditions contributed to our understanding of this right?===
====Aristotelian thought====
====Ancient Chinese Philosophy====
====Early Indian Philosophy====
====Miscellaneous Hellenistic Schools (epicureans, academics, skeptics, etc.)====
====Roman Legal and Political Thought====
====Early Christianity====
====Thomism and medieval Christianity====
====Medieval Islamic Thought====
====Medieval Judaism====
====Early Modern Rationalism====
====Absolute Idealism====
====Reformation Christianity====
====Hobbesian Thought====
====Lockean Thought/English Empiricism====
====Scottish Enlightenment====
====Modern Capitalism====
====Rousseau's Thought====
====German Idealism====
====Benthamite Utilitarianism====
====Millian Utilitarianism====
====Current Utilitarianism====
====Early Sociology====
====Weberian Thought====
====Process Philosophy====
====Social Darwinism====
====British Idealism (19th cen.)====
====Continental Philosophy/Frankfurt School====
====Feminist Thought====
===Are there any philosophical or moral traditions that dispute the classification of this right as a fundamental right?===
===What do the major legal theories (positive law, natural law, critical legal studies, etc.) say about this right?===
==Culture and Politics==
===Is this right interpreted and exercised in different ways in different countries? Focus on particular countries in which the right is interpreted distinctively===
===Is this right exercised in different ways depending on the political governance regime in place (democracy, autocracy, hybrid regime)?===
===Is there general and widespread belief that this right is a fundamental right that should generally be protected (and that exceptions should be rare)?===
===Does public polling reveal insights about the right as experienced in different countries?===
==Conflicts with other Rights==
===Are there other specific fundamental rights that tend to conflict with this right? Can you identify specific examples of this?===
===Are there other specific rights that are critical to the exercise of this right?  Can you identify specific examples of this?===
===Is there a perception that this right is above or higher than other fundamental rights, or in general, that it has a particular place in a hierarchy of rights?===
===What specific examples of hierarchies, manifestos, constitutions, or prioritized descriptions of rights cite this right’s high status? Low status? No status at all?===
===How does federalism change, if at all, the exercise or application of this right? What examples of this can one point to?===
==Limitations / Restrictions==
===What are the typical exceptions or limitations placed on this right?===
===Under American jurisprudence, what permissible exceptions exist?===
===Under international human rights laws, what permissible exceptions (often called derogations) exist?===
===Have political theorists or philosophers discussed the permissibility of exceptions to this right?===
===Should this right be limited when limiting it would jeopardize democratic norms?===
===Is this right often perceived as threatening to government authorities?===
===Is this right often curtailed by government authorities for reasons other than those which are generally viewed as permissible?===
===Is this right at times curtailed by private actors?===
===Is this right subject to specific limitations in event of emergency (war, brief natural disaster [weather, earthquake], long-run natural disaster [volcano, fire, disease])? Can such limitations be defined in advance with reference to the disaster in question?===
==Utilitarian / Fairness Assessments==
===Is there a cost attached to protecting and enforcing this right? What kinds of costs are implicated?===
====Short-term economic cost in general====
====Long-term economic cost in general====
American Free Press and Its Consequences
Freedom of the Press, as granted by 1st amendment in the Constitution of the United States of America, is “Congress shall make no law… abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press” (Madison 1789). Freedom of the Press is a key component of the right to freedom of expression. It will be defined as a press free from unreasonable government censorship or government control. The founders demonstrated the importance of freedom of the press through their writings pre and post revolution. Levvy says in Emergence of a free press, “only those who supported the American cause against England had a right to freedom of speech and press” (Levvy 1985, 156).  What were the consequences of American freedom of press gained through freedom from Britain. In this paper, firstly, I argue that freedom of the press decreases poverty and increases development. Then, I will discuss why Amartya Sen believes the effects of decreased poverty and increased development occur. Finally, I will discuss possible short-term costs that derive from a free press. 
The American press is undoubtedly subject to little interference from the government; there are three main laws that have been put on the press that have either been discontinued or have major loops: the FCC Fairness Doctrine, the Communications Act, and the Equal Time Rule. The Fairness Doctrine required holders of broadcast licenses to cover controversial issues of public interest in a manner that reflected different viewpoints. This rule was replaced in 1987 with the Communications Act, which removed the important provisions of the Fairness doctrine in regard to the press and removed the FCC’s ability to censoring or regulating broadcasted material. Finally, the Equal Time Rule requires if a broadcast sell airtime to one candidate it must offer to sell the same amount of airtime to the other candidate. However, there are numerous ways of circumventing this such as before the candidate officially runs, not having the political party endorse the appearance, debates, and interviews.  The rules describes no longer apply, except for the Communications Act, which only rules on equal access to media. Therefore, the current day legal framework of the American press is extremely free and unregulated by the government and has no strong censorship or burdensome regulation of the press.
The freedom of the press granted by the United States government allows for many economic benefits including decreases poverty and increase development. In 2008, a UNESCO funded research paper described dozens of experiments and models to show the possible effects of a free press had on the economy due to the correlations found. The paper found that “no country concurrently has a free press and a high percentage of its population living below the poverty line”(2008). The paper also showed a good correlation between free press and lower rates of poverty. Development was more complex in its relationship with free press, “once the education prerequisites have been met, freedom of the press can genuinely develop. It can thus be readily appreciated that all the other dimensions of development will in turn benefit as a result and that a positive dynamic can be established”(2008). Development, in terms of food, health care, and economic security, had a good correlation with free press when is was model in countries that also had good education. Therefore, for a free press to have a strong positive correlation with development, it is likely that education is necessary. A free press correlates with decreasing poverty, and when paired with education increasing human development.
Amartya Sen also agrees with these positive correlations of free press and describes the theory behind it. Sen says, “these deprivations restrict social and political lives, and must be seen as repressive even without their leading to other afflictions (such as economic disasters)”(Sen 1999). Amartya Sen believes that the lack of social and political freedoms, like a free press, led to economic disasters because they are repressive. This repression leads to worse policy, Amartya Sen says, “the role of a free press in disseminating knowledge and facilitating critical scrutiny is a necessary requirement of informed politics and cannot but be important for the formulation of development policies”(2003).  Press also gives the public access to knowledge, which strengthens debates over policy, allowing policy to be more effective and well-made. Because the lack of a free press is repressive and a free press strengthens public discussion, creates better policy, which likely causes the good correlations between a free press and poverty and development.
The costs of a free or nongovernment-controlled press come from the influence of  profit driven motives from the press, which cause bias. Amartya Sen says about the right to a free press, “press freedom can be most effective only when that freedom is utilised by the media fully, rather than in a biased or slanted way. Freedom is a permissive condition, and permission is not enough to make a success of the use of the opportunity available”(Sen 2013). Sen believes that the right or permission to a free press does not make the freedom successful because the press can be biased. Habermas describes how the profit motive of the press causes bias, saying,
“Press developed from a business in pure news reporting to one involving ideologies and viewpoints, however, and the compiling of items of information encountered the competition of literary journalism, a new element—political in the broader sense—was joined to the economic one” (Habermas 1991, 182).
Habermas is describing how once the press started selling opinion pieces and giving takes on the news, instead of pure news and facts of the day, the press began a dealing in selling ideologies and viewpoints. The American free press is free to report the news in a broad way and can also release opinion pieces, if done in a biased way the media will be more focused on shaping public opinion.
The press profit driven motive allows the press to be more interested in shaping public opinion than reporting facts, this shaping of public opinions has real economic costs. Killian J. McCarthy describes these effects, saying, “ from a conscious, commercial perspective, the media has an incentive to be intentionally negative. In a state of uncertainty, sentiment- the willingness of the consumer and the business to invest—will be reduced”( McCarty 2013). A free press has increased reporting on negative news as it is more profitable, but this causes a decreased willingness to invest. The negative press coverage can also affect spending through media coverage, McCarthy says, “the media shapes consumer sentiment and the consumers' willingness to spend”(2013). The free press affects consumer sentiment and consumptions. The press will cover more negative news because it is more lucrative, which will negatively impact consumptions, investments, and sentiments because it will cause public opinion to be skewed more pessimistically on the economy.
A free press likely increases development, decreases poverty, but may decrease consumer spending and investment during times of negative coverage. Press freedom was shown to have good correlations to development and lower rates of poverty. This was data was explained by Amartya Sen to likely be due to repression from not having a free press and the better policy made from stronger debates with a free press. Habermas and Sen discussed how the press bias could be damaging, while McCarthy described out the negative media bias causes decreased investment and consumer spending.
Works Cited
. Habermas, Jurgen. The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere: An Enquiry into a Category of Bouergeois Society. Cambridge: The M.I.T. Press, 1991.
Levy, Leonard Williams. Emergence of a Free Press. Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, 2004. 
McCarthy, Killian J., and Wilfred Dolfsma. “Neutral Media? Evidence of Media Bias and Its Economic Impact.” Review of Social Economy 72, no. 1 (2013): 42–54.
Kumat), Sen Amartya (Amartya. Development as Freedom. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999.
Sen, Amartya. “Press Freedom: What Is It Good For?” Index on Censorship 42, no. 3 (September 2013): 6–14.
====Cost to those least able to economically absorb the cost====
====Cost to perceived democratic legitimacy====
====Cost to consistency or coherence of the law as a whole====
====Cost to the legitimacy or effectiveness of other rights====
====Cost to considerations of social equality====
====Cost to other non-material goods not so far specified====
===What are the financial consequences, if any, of making this right a legally protectable right?===
===Are there any groups that are uniquely disadvantaged by the exercise of this right?===
===Are there any groups that uniquely benefit from the exercise of this right?===
===Are there instances when this fundamental right can lead to unfairness or inequities?===
===Are there objective ways to measure the utilitarian nature of this right?===
===If so, where can one draw the line: when does this right stop being useful or economically viable?===
==Looking Ahead==
===How can we expect this right to change and evolve in the years ahead?===
===How is the future likely to shape the exercise of this right?===
===Will the exercise or protection of this right be affected by technological changes?===
===Under what conditions would this right become irrelevant?===
===Are questions of fairness and utility pertaining to this right likely to change in the years ahead?===
==Policy Recommendations==
===Can the practice or exercise of this right be shaped through executive action?===
===In the US context, are there particular parties with a stake or interest in amending or reconceptualizing this right?===
===In the US context, can this right be altered legislatively, or would it require a constitutional amendment?===
===Is this right best addressed at the national level? The sub-national level? The international level?===
===To what extent is this right shaped primarily by judicial decisions?===
===If this right is best addressed through the amendment process, how should it proceed?===
===If this right were unlimited, what might be the consequences (positive and negative)?===
===If this right were eliminated, what might be the consequences (positive and negative)?===
==[[Question Template]]==
==[[Question Template]]==

Latest revision as of 16:26, 5 August 2022

Freedom of Expression

Freedom of Association

Freedom of Religion

Voting Rights and Suffrage

Freedom of the Press

Privacy Rights

Right To Education


What is the oldest source in any country that mentions this right?

What is the oldest written source in this country that mentions this right? BUILD IN COLLAPSE EXPAND TOGGLE



The Albanian constitution grants religious freedom in Article 10. The Constitution of the Republic of Albania was ratified on November 28th, 1998. The preamble declares the country a secular state. Constitution Project. “Albania 1998 (Rev. 2012) Constitution.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,


The Constitution of Algeria was ratified on February 23, 1989. Article 29 officially outlaws religious prosecution. However, institutions are meant, as written in Article 9, “not to practice contrary to Islamic morals”. Islam was declared the official religion in Article 2 of Algeria’s Constitution of 1989. Constitution Project. “Algeria 1989 (Reinst. 1996, Rev. 2008) Constitution.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,


Andorra’s Constitution of 1993 was ratified May 4th,1993. Article 6 protect one’s freedom from religious discrimination, while article 11 protects ones right to religious expression. Constitution Project. “Andorra 199327 Constitution.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,


The Constitution of Angola was ratified on January 21st, 2010. Article 10 of Angola’s constitution of 2010 declares the country a secular state. Article 23 declares it illegal to discriminate based on religious affiliation. Constitution Project. “Angola's Constitution of 2010 -” Constitute , POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,

Antigua and Barbuda

The Antigua and Barbuda Constitutional Order of 1981 was ratified on october 31st, 1981. Article 11 established freedom of religion and religious protections. Walsh School of Foreign Service . “Republic of Antigua and Barbuda Constitution of 1981.” Antigua and Barbuda: Constitution, 1981, Georgetown University, 15 July 2011,



The Constitution of Armenia was ratified on July 5th, 1995. Articles 29, 41, and 56 prohibit religious persecution and offer religion protections. Article 18 recognizes the Armenian Apostolic Holy Church as the national church. Constitution Project. “Armenia 1995 (Rev. 2015) Constitution.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,


Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act was ratified on July 6th, 1900. Article 116 prevents any legislation on religion, including legislation to stopping its free expression. Commonwealth Parliament. “Chapter V. The States.” Parliament of Australia, Commonwealth Parliament, 16 Jan. 2019, Austria The Constitution of Austria was ratified on October 1, 1920 and reinstated on May 1, 1945. Article 7 bans discrimination, including on the basis of religion, and Article 14 (b) bans discrimination on the basis of religion in public schools specifically. Constitution Project. “Austria the Federal Constitutional Law of 1920 Law No. 153/2004 ...” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,


The Constitution of Azerbaijan was ratified on November 12, 1995. In Article 18 all religion is declared equal under the law and Article 25, Article 47, Article 71(4) ban legal discrimination based on religion and grant religious protections. Articles 85 and 89 ban ministers of religion from holding power in the the Milli Majlis or Azerbaijan National Assembly. Constitution Project. “Azerbaijan 1995 (Rev. 2016) Constitution.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,

The Bahamas

The Constitution of The Commonwealth of The Bahamas was ratified on July 10th 1973. Article 22 protects freedom of religion. The preamble does specifically mention Christian values and the supremacy of God. Constitution Project. “Bahamas (the) 1973 Constitution.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,


The Constitution of the Kingdom of Bahrain was decreed by King Shakih Hamad on February 14, 2002. Article 2 states Islam is the official religion and legislation is guided by Islamic Shari’a. However, Article 18 protects against discrimination based on religion and Article 22 protects freedom of religious thought. Constitution Project. “Bahrain 2002 Constitution.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,



Barbados Constitution of 1966 was ratified on November 22, 1966. Article 19 grants religious freedoms and protections. The preamble states the country is founded on the supremacy of God. Government of Barbados. “The Constitution of Barbados -” Organization of American States, Government of Barbados, 2002,


The Constitution of the Republic of Belarus was ratified on 15 March 1994. Articles 14, 16, and 31 grant religious freedom and protections. Article 5 bans activities of political parties and public associations with the aim of religious hatred. Constitution Project. “Belarus 1994 (Rev. 2004) Constitution.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,


The Constitution of Belgium was ratified on 7 February, 1831. Articles 19, 20, and 21 protect religious freedom and equality. Article 24 requires compulsory education to not discriminate based on religion. Constitution Project. “Belgium 1831 (Rev. 2014) Constitution.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,


Constitution of Belize was ratified on September 21, 1981. Articles 3 and 11 protect religious freedom and equality. Preamble claims the supremacy of God. Constitution Project. “Belize 1981 (Rev. 2011) Constitution.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,


The Constitution of Benin was ratified on March 1, 1990. Articles 23 and 26 offer freedom of religion and prohibit religious discrimination under the law. Articles 2 and 5 define Benin as a secular state. Constitution Project. “Benin 1990 Constitution.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,



The Bolivian Constitution or Constitution of the State was ratified on January 25, 2009. Articles 4, 14, 21, 86, and 104 protect religious freedom and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 4 says that Bolivia is a secular state. Constitution Project. “Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 2009 Constitution.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,

Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina was ratified on December 14, 1995. Articles 1.7(b), 2.3(g), and 2.4 grants protect religious freedoms and equality and prohibit religious discrimination. Constitution Project. “Bosnia and Herzegovina 1995 (Rev. 2009) Constitution.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,


The Constitution of Botswana was ratified on September 30, 1966. Article 11 establishes religious freedom, equality, and prohibits religious discrimination. Constitution Project. “Botswana 1966 (Rev. 2016) Constitution.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,



The Constitution of Brunei Darussalam was signed on September 29, 1959. Part II 3.1 states the official religion is Islam, but also states other religions maybe practiced in peace and harmony. Government official must adhere to Islam. Part IX 84.1 states that all no person shall be appointed to any office not professing the Islamic religion. Constitution Project. “Brunei Darussalam 1959 (Rev. 2006) Constitution.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,


The Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria was ratified on 12 July 1991. Articles 6.2, 11.4, 13, 37, and 44.2 grant religious protections and freedoms. 7th Grand National Assembly of Bulgaria . “Constitution of The Republic of Bulgaria .” National Assembly of The Republic of Bulgaria, 18 Dec. 2015,

Burkina Faso

The Constitution of Burkina Faso was ratified on 11 June 1991. Articles 1, 7, and 23 grant religious freedom and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 31 declares Burkina Faso a secular state. Constitution Project. “Burkina Faso 1991 (Rev. 2015) Constitution.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,


The Burundi constitution was ratified on May 17, 2018. Articles 1, 13, 22, 31, 78, and 80 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 1 declares Burundi a secular state. Constitution Project. “Burundi 2018 Constitution.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,


The Constitution of the Kingdom of Cambodia was ratified on September 21, 1993. Articles 31 and 43 grant religious equality under the law and religious freedom of worship, respectively. Article 43 declares Buddhism the national religion and Article 68 promotes Buddhist institutions. Constitution Project. “Cambodia 1993 (Rev. 2008) Constitution.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,


The Constitution of Cameroon was ratified on 20 May 1972. Principles 14 and 15, as well as Article 1.2 grant religious freedom and protections. Article 1.2 declares Cameroon a secular state. Constitution Project. “Cameroon 1972 (Rev. 2008) Constitution.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,


The Constitution of Canada was ratified on July 1, 1867. Part I B(2) and F(15) grant religious freedoms and protections. Part I pretext claims the supremacy of God. Constitution Project. “Canada 1867 (Rev. 2011) Constitution.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,

Cape Verde

The Constitution of Cape Verde was ratified September 28th, 1980. Articles 42.1, 44.1, 45.1, 47.2-3, and 48 grant religious freedoms and prohibit religious discrimination. Constitution Project. “Cape Verde 1980 (Rev. 1992) Constitution.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,

Central African Republic

The Constitution of the Central African Republic was ratified on March 27, 2016. Articles 6 and 10 grant religious freedom, equality, and protections from discrimination. Article 25 declares separation of church and state. Constitution Project. “Central African Republic 2016 Constitution.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,


The Constitution of the Republic of Chad was ratified on May 4, 2018. Articles 14 and 28 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibits religious discrimination. Article 1 declares Chad a secular state and the separation of the state and religion. Constitution Project. “Chad 2018 Constitution.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,


The Constitution of Chile was ratified September 11, 1980. Article 19.6 grants religious freedom and protections. Constitution Project. “Chile 1980 Constitution.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,




The Constitution of the Federal Islamic Republic of the Comoros was ratified on June 7, 1992. Article 2 grants religious freedom and protections. Both the Preamble and Article 97 affirm the Islam as the state religion. Constitution Project. “Comoros 2018 Constitution.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,

Democratic Republic of the Congo

The Regime of the Constitution was ratified on February 18, 2006. Articles 13, 22, 45, and 61.7 grant religious protections and freedoms. Article declares the Democratic Republic of the Congo as a secular state. Constitution Project. “Democratic Republic of the Congo 2006 Constitution.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,

Republic of the Congo

The Constitution of the Republic of the Congo was ratified on September 22, 2015. Articles 15 and grant religious freedom, equality, and protections. The preamble, Articles 1 and 61 declare the Republic of the Congo as a secular state. Constitution Project. “Congo (Republic of the) 2015 Constitution.” Constitute, 27 Apr. 2022,

Costa Rica

The Constitution of Costa Rica was ratified on 1949 November 7. Article 75 both declares the Roman, Catholic, Church as the official religion of Costa Rica and grants freedom of religion. Constitution Project. “Costa Rica 1949 (Rev. 2011) Constitution.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,


The Constitution of the Republic of Croatia was ratified on December 22, 1990. Articles 14, 17, 39, 40, 41, and 47 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit discrimination. Constitution Project. “Croatia's Constitution of 1991 with Amendments through 2010.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,


The Constitution of Cuba was ratified on 24 February 2019. Articles 15, 42, and 57 grant religious freedoms, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Articles 15 and 32.b declare Cuba a secular state. Constitution Project. “Cuba's Constitution of 2019 -” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,


The Constitution of the Republic of Cyprus was ratified on 16 August 1960. Articles 18 and 28 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit discrimination. Religious law has many layers and complexities throughout the constitution. Constitution Project. “Cyprus 1960 (Rev. 2013) Constitution.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,

Czech Republic

The Constitution of the Czech Republic came into effect on January 1, 1993. Articles 3, 15, and 16 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Constitution Project. “Czech Republic 1993 (Rev. 2013) Constitution.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,



The Constitution of Djibouti was ratified 4 September 1992. Articles 1, 3 and Article 11 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 1 declares Islam the state religion. Constitution Project. “Djibouti's Constitution of 1992 with Amendments through 2010.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,


The Constitution of the Commonwealth of Dominica was ratified in 1978. Articles 9 and 13 grants religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. The Preamble acknowledges the supremacy of God. Constitution Project . “Dominica 1978 (Rev. 2014) Constitution.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,

Dominican Republic

Constitution of the Dominican Republic was promulgated on June 13, 2015. Articles 39, 45, and 263.3 grant religious protections. Constitution Project. “Dominican Republic 2015 Constitution.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,

East Timor

The Constitution of East Timor was ratified on 20 May 2002. Articles 12, 16, 25.5, 38.3, 45, and 50.3 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Constitution Project. “Timor-Leste 2002 Constitution.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,


The Constitution of Ecuador 28 was ratified on September 2008. Articles 11.2, 19, 66.8, 66.11, and 66.28 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 1 declares Ecuador a secular state. Constitution Project. “Ecuador 2008 (Rev. 2021) Constitution.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,


The Constitution of the Arab Republic of Egypt was ratified on January 18, 2014. Articles 53 and 64 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 2 declares Islam Egypt’s official religion and Sharia a guiding principle of legislation. Constitution Project. “Egypt 2014 (Rev. 2019) Constitution.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,

El Salvador

The Constitution of El Salvador was ratified 20 December 1983. Articles 3, 6, 25 and 58 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 26 recognizes the Catholic Church. Constitution Project. “El Salvador 1983 (Rev. 2014) Constitution.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,

Equatorial Guinea

The Constitution of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea was ratified in 1991. Articles 13(f), Article 15.1, and 24.3-4 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Constitution Project. “Equatorial Guinea 1991 (Rev. 2012) Constitution.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,


The Constitution of Eritrea was ratified on 23 May 1997, although the constitution has still not been fully implemented. Articles 14 and 19 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Constitution Project. “Eritrea 1997 Constitution.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,


The Constitution of the Republic of Estonia was ratified on 28 June 1992. Articles 12, 40, and 124 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Andmevara, AS. “The Constitution of the Republic of Estonia.” Riigi Teataja, Riigi Teataja, 21 May 2015,


The Constitution of the Kingdom of Swaziland Act was signed in 2005. Articles 14, 20, and 23 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit discrimination of religion. Constitution Project. “Eswatini 2005 Constitution.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,


1995 Constitution of Ethiopia was ratified on 21 August 1995. Article 11, 21, 25, 27, and 38 grants religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Articles 11 declares a separation of church and state. Constitution Project. “Ethiopia 1994 Constitution.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,


The Constitution of the Republic of Fiji was ratified on September 6, 2013. Articles 4, 17, 22, and 26 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Parliament of Fiji. “Constitution of the Republic of Fiji.” Constitution of the Republic of Fiji - Laws of Fiji, Office of the Attorney General Fiji, 2013,,the%20procedures%20in%20the%20Constitution.


The Constitution of Finland was ratified 1 March 2000. Sections 6 and 11 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Constitution Project. “Finland's Constitution of 1999 with Amendments through 2011.” Constitute , POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,



The constitution of Gabon was ratified in 1991. Articles 1.2, 1.13, and 2 grants religious freedom, equality, and prohibits religious discrimination. Article 2 declares Gabon a secular state. Constitution Project. “Gabon's Constitution of 1991 with Amendments through 2011.” Constitute. POGO, April 27, 2022. Last modified April 27, 2022. Accessed June 13, 2022.

The Gambia

The Constitution of the Gambia was ratified on March 29, 2020. Articles 1.3, 4.d, 12, 32, 49, 67, 69, 274.1(d), and 296.2(d) offer extensive religious protections and prohibit religious discrimination. Articles 88.5(b) and 153.2(b) declare that the president and national assembly may not establish a national religion. Constitution Project “Gambia (the) 2020 Constitution.” Constitute. POGO, April 27, 2022. Last modified April 27, 2022. Accessed June 14, 2022.


The Constitution of Georgia was ratified on August 24, 1995. Articles 11.1, 11.2, 16.1, and 16.3 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 8 recognized the Orthodox Church of Georgia, but not declare it the national religion outright. State Constitutional Commission of Georgia. “Constitution of Georgia.” Legislative Herald of Georgia. Departments of the Parliament of Georgia, August 24, 1995. Last modified August 24, 1995. Accessed June 14, 2022.


The Constitution of Ghana was ratified 28 April 1992. Articles 12.2, 17.2, 17.3, 21.1(c), and 26.1 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Parliament of Ghana. “The Constitution of the Republic of Ghana 1992.” Judicial Service of Ghana. Republic of Ghana Judiciary , 1992. Last modified 1992. Accessed June 14, 2022.


The Constitution of Greece was ratified 11 June 1975. Articles 5.2 and 13 protect religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 3 recognizes the Eastern Orthodox Church of Christ as the prevailing religion of Greece. Hellenic Parliament. “001-156 Syntagma UK New - Hellenic Parliament.” Hellenic Parliament. Hellenic Parliament, 2008. Last modified 2008. Accessed June 14, 2022.


The Grenada Constitution of 1973 was ratified on 19th of December 1973. Article 9 grants religious freedom, equality, and prohibits religious discrimination. The preamble acknowledges the supremacy of God. Government of Grenada . “The Grenada Constitution.” Government of Grenada. Government of Grenada , 1973. Last modified 1973. Accessed June 14, 2022.


Constitution of the Republic of Guatemala was ratified 31 May 1985. Articles 19(c), 33, 36, 37 and 73 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Constitution Project. “Guatemala 1985 (Rev. 1993) Constitution.” Constitute. POGO, April 27, 2022. Last modified April 27, 2022. Accessed June 14, 2022.



Constitution of the Republic of Guinea was ratified on May 7, 2010. Articles 1, 4, 7, 8, 11, and 14 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 1 declares Guinea a secular state. Constitution Project. “Guinea 2010 Constitution.” Constitute. POGO, April 27, 2022. Last modified April 27, 2022. Accessed June 14, 2022.


The Constitution of Guinea-Bissau was ratified on 6 May 1984. Articles 6.2, 24, 31.2, and 52 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Articles 1 and 130 declares Guinea-Bissau a secular state; and Article 6.1 declares a separation between church and state. Constitution Project. “Guinea-Bissau 1984 (Rev. 1996) Constitution.” Constitute. POGO, April 27, 2022. Last modified April 27, 2022. Accessed June 14, 2022.


The Constitution of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana Act was ratified 20th February, 1980. Articles 38(f), 145.2, and 145.3 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Articles 212B(a) and 212D(f) establish an Ethnic Relations Commission to protect religious diversity. Parliament of Guyana. “Constitution of the Co-Operative Republic of Guyana Act .” Parliament Government of Guyana. National Assembly of the Parliament of Guyana | Parliament of Guyana, January 2012. Last modified January 2012. Accessed June 14, 2022.


The Constitution of Haiti was ratified on June 20, 2012. Articles 30, 30-1, and 30-2 grant religious freedoms. The Constitution of Haiti does not directly prohibit religious discrimination or declare religious equality; however, Haiti does grant protection against discrimination more generally in the preamble. Constitution Project. “Haiti 1987 (Rev. 2012) Constitution.” Constitute. POGO, April 27, 2022. Last modified April 27, 2022. Accessed June 14, 2022.


The Political Constitution of the Republic of Honduras was ratified on 11 January 1982. Articles 77 grants freedom of religion. Articles 60 and 61 bans all forms of discrimination and grants equality for all, religion is not specified. Constitution Project. “Honduras 1982 (Rev. 2013) Constitution.” Constitute. POGO, April 27, 2022. Last modified April 27, 2022. Accessed June 14, 2022.


The Fundamental Law of Hungary was ratified 18 on April 2011. The preamble distinguishes Christianity’s role in preserving nationhood. Articles 7, 9.5, 14.3, 15.2, and 37.4 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Ministry of Justice 2017. “The Fundamental Law of Hungary.” Website of the Hungarian Government. National Assembly of Hungary , May 19, 2017. Last modified May 19, 2017. Accessed June 14, 2022.


The Constitution of the Republic of Iceland was ratified on June 17, 1944. Articles 63, 64, and 65 grant religious freedom and equality. National Parliament of Iceland. “Constitution of the Republic of Iceland.” Government of Iceland. Prime Minister's Office , June 24, 1999. Last modified June 24, 1999. Accessed June 14, 2022.


Constitution of India was ratified on November 29, 1949. Articles 15, 16.2, 23.2, 25, 26, 27, 29.2, 30, and 325 grant religious Freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 371 grants special religious protections throughout various states and religions of India. Constituent Assembly. “The Constitution of India.” Government of India. Department of Legislation , November 26, 2021. Last modified November 26, 2021. Accessed June 14, 2022.


The 1945 State Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia was ratified on August 18, 1945. Articles 22E, 28I, and 29.2 grant religious freedom; articles 28B and 28I prohibit any basis of discrimination. The preamble and article 29.1 states that the state of Indonesian is based on the One and Only God. Constituent Assembly. “The Constitution of India.” Government of India. Department of Legislation , November 26, 2021. Last modified November 26, 2021. Accessed June 14, 2022.


The Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran was ratified on December 3, 1979. Article 13 states Zoroastrian, Jewish, and Christian Iranians are allowed to practice freely within the limits of the law and are the only recognized religious minority groups. Article 12 states Islam is the official religion of Iran. Constitution Project. “Iran (Islamic Republic of) 1979 (Rev. 1989) Constitution.” Constitute. POGO, April 27, 2022. Last modified April 27, 2022. Accessed June 16, 2022.


The Constitution of the Republic of Iraq was ratified on September 18, 2005. Articles 2.2, 10, 14, 37.2, 41, and 43 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 2.1 declares Islam the official religion of Iraq and foundation source of legislation. Constitution Project. “Iraq 2005 Constitution.” Constitute. POGO, April 27, 2022. Last modified April 27, 2022. Accessed June 16, 2022.

Republic of Ireland



The Constitution of the Italian Republic was ratified on 22 December 1947. Articles 3, 8, 19, and 20 grant religious freedom and equality. Article 7 states a separation between the state of Italy and the Catholic Church. Badan Penyelidik Usaha-usaha Persiapan Kemerdekaan Indonesia. “Mahkamah Konstitusirepublik Indonesia.” The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia. The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia, 2020. Last modified 2020. Accessed June 16, 2022.

Ivory Coast

The Constitution of the Republic of Ivory Coast was ratified on October 30, 2016. Articles 4, 14, 19, and 23 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. The preamble, articles 49, and 178 declare Ivory Coast to be a secular state. Constitution Project. “Côte D'Ivoire 2016 Constitution.” Constitute. POGO, April 27, 2022. Last modified April 27, 2022. Accessed June 16, 2022.


The Jamaican Order in Council was ratified in 1962. Articles 13, 14(a), and 17 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Jamaican Legislature. “The Jamaica (Constitution) Order in Council 1962 .” Jamaican Informational Service . Jamaican Informational Service , 2017. Last modified 2017. Accessed June 16, 2022.



The Constitution of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan was ratified 1 January 1952. Articles 6 and 14 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 2 declares Islam the official religion. Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Constitutional Court “Jordanian Constitution.” CCO. Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Constitutional Court, 2022. Last modified 2022. Accessed June 17, 2022.



The Constitution of Kenya was ratified on 4 August 2010. Articles 21.3, 27.4, and 32 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. The Preamble acknowledges the supremacy of God, Article 8 declares no state religion. KLRC. “Home.” Kenya Law Reform Commission (KLRC). KLRC, 2022. Last modified 2022. Accessed June 17, 2022.


The Constitution of Kiribati was ratified in 1979. Articles 11 grants religious freedom and protections. PACII. “Constitution of Kiribati.” Pacific Islands Legal Information Institute . University of the South Pacific School of Law, May 6, 2022. Last modified May 6, 2022. Accessed June 17, 2022.


The Constitution of Kuwait was ratified on 11 November 1962. Articles 35 and 29 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious. Article 2 declares Islam the official Religion. Constitution Project. “Kuwait 1962 (Reinst. 1992) Constitution .” Constitute . POGO, April 27, 2022. Last modified April 27, 2022. Accessed June 17, 2022.



The Constitution of the Lao People's Democratic Republic was ratified on August 14, 1991. Articles 9 and 43 grant freedom of religion. Constitution Project. “Lao People's Democratic Republic's Constitution of 1991 with Amendments through 2015.” Constitute. POGO, April 27, 2022. Last modified April 27, 2022. Accessed June 17, 2022.


The Constitution of the Republic of Latvia or Satversme was ratified on 15 February 1922; and promulgated on May 4, 1990, after declaring the USSR invasion illegal. Articles 99 grant religious freedom, while 91 bans all forms of discrimination. Latvia being build on Christian Values is cited in the preamble. The Constitutional Assembly. “Latvijas Republikas Satversme.” LIKUMI Latvia . Latvijas Vēstnesis, 1993. Last modified 1993. Accessed June 17, 2022.


The Lebanese Constitution was ratified on 23 May 1926. Articles 9, 10, 19, and 22 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Parliament of Lebanon. “The Lebanese Constitution - Parliament of Lebanon.” Presidency of the Republic of Lebanon. Presidency of the Republic of Lebanon, 1995. Last modified 1995. Accessed June 17, 2022.


The Constitution of Lesotho was ratified on April 2, 1993. Articles 4.1, 13, 16.1, 18.3, 18.5, and 26.1 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Constitution Project. “Lesotho 1993 (Rev. 2018) Constitution.” Constitute. POGO, April 27, 2022. Last modified April 27, 2022. Accessed June 17, 2022.


Constitution of the Republic of Liberia was ratified on 6 January 1986. Articles 14, and 18 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Articles 14 declares a separation between religion and the state. National Constitution Committee. “1986 Constitution of the Republic of Liberia.” Judiciary of the Republic of Liberia. Supreme Court of Liberia, 1986. Last modified 1986. Accessed June 17, 2022.


The Libyan Interim Constitutional Declaration was adopted on 3 August 2011. Article 6 grants freedom of religion and prohibits religious discrimination. Article 1 declares Islam the official religion of Libya. Constitution Project. “Libya 2011 (Rev. 2012) Constitution - Constitute.” Constitute. POGO, April 27, 2022. Last modified April 27, 2022. Accessed June 17, 2022.


Constitution of the Principality of Liechtenstein was ratified on 5 October 1921. Articles 37.1 and 39 grants religious freedom. Article 37.2 declares the Roman Catholic Church is the official church. Parliament of Liechtenstein. “Constitution of the Principality of Liechtenstein.” State Administration of the Principality of Liechtenstein. State Administration of the Principality of Liechtenstein, 2014. Last modified 2014. Accessed June 17, 2022. Lithuania Constitution Of the Republic of Lithuania was ratified on 25 October 1992 Articles 26, 27, and 43 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit discrimination. Article 43 declares no official religion Parliament of Lithuania . “CONSTITUTION OF THE REPUBLIC OF LITHUANIA.” Lietuvos Respubilkos Siemas . Parliament of Lithuania , March 20, 2003. Last modified March 20, 2003. Accessed June 17, 2022. Luxembourg The Constitution of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg was promulgated on 12 October 1841. Articles 19 grants freedom of religion. Parliament of Luxembourg. “CONSTITUTION of the GRAND DUCHY OF LUXEMBOURG.” Legilux. Official Newspaper of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, 2009. Last modified 2009. Accessed June 17, 2022.







Marshall Islands


Mauritania’s constitution was adopted on 12 July 1991. The preamble and Article 1 guarantee equality under the law, however it does not include religion as a distinct protected class; it is likely that there isn’t much religious freedom in Mauritania. Article 5 declares that Islam is the state religion. Constitution Project. “Mauritania 1991 (Rev. 2012) Constitution.” Constitute. POGO , April 27, 2022. Last modified April 27, 2022. Accessed June 21, 2022.


The Constitution of the Republic of Mauritius was ratified on 12 March 1968. Articles 11 and 14.1 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Mauritius National Assembly. Mauritius National Assembly. Mauritius Government, May 2018. Last modified May 2018. Accessed June 21, 2022.


The Political Constitution of the Mexican United States was ratified on 5 February 1917. Articles 1, 3.2(c), 24, 27.2, 130(b-d) grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 130 declares a separation of church and state; and that religious minister cannot promote candidate, nor attack national symbols. Constituent Congress of 1917. “Koxtitusion Poríitika Mejikopo Nesaweme Constitución ... -” Senate of the Republic. Mexican Government, 2005. Last modified 2005. Accessed June 21, 2022.

Federated States of Micronesia

The Constitution of the Federated States of Micronesia was ratified in 1978. Article 4 Section 2 grant religious freedom and equality. Article 4 Section 2 bans declaration of an official religion or laws in regard to religion. Micronesian Constitutional Convention in 1975. “CONSTITUTION OF THE FEDERATED STATES OF MICRONESIA.” Legal Information System of the Federated States of Micronesia . Government of the Federated States of Micronesia , 2005. Last modified 2005. Accessed June 21, 2022.


Constitution of the Republic of Moldova was ratified on 27 July 1994. Articles 10.2, 31, 32.3, and 35.8 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. The preamble declares secular aspirations for the state of Moldova. Parliament of the Republic of Moldova. “Constitution of the Republic of Moldova .” Constitutional Court of the Republic of Moldova . Constitutional Court of the Republic of Moldova , 2022. Last modified 2022. Accessed June 21, 2022.


Constitution Of the Principality of Monaco was ratified on December 17th 1962 Article 23 grants religious freedom. Article 9 declares Catholicism the official state religion. Prince Rainer III and National Council of Monaco. Princely Government of the Principality of Monaco . Princely Government of the Principality of Monaco , 2002. Last modified 2002. Accessed June 21, 2022.


The Fundamental Law of Mongolia was ratified on 13 January 1992. Articles 14, 16.15, and 19.2 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 9 declares that the state may not engage in religious activities. The People's Great Khural. “The Constitution of Mongolia.” Constitutional Court of Mongolia . Constitutional Court of Mongolia , 2022. Last modified 2022. Accessed June 21, 2022.


The Constitution of the Republic of Montenegro was ratified on October 12, 1992. Articles 11, 34, 43, 67, 70, 74, and 76 grant extensive religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 11 declares separation of church and state. The Assembly of the Republic of Montenegro. “Constitution of the Republic of Montenegro.” Government of Montenegro. Ministry of Justice, January 30, 2004. Last modified January 30, 2004. Accessed June 21, 2022.


The Constitution of the Kingdom of Morocco was ratified on 1 July 2011. Articles 3 grants freedom of religion; Article 19 bans all forms of discrimination include beliefs. Article 3 declares Islam the official religion of Morocco. Constitution Project, 2022. “” Constitute . POGO, April 27, 2022. Last modified April 27, 2022. Accessed June 21, 2022.


The Constitution of the Republic of Mozambique was ratified on December 21, 2004. Articles 12.3, 12.4, 35, 39, 54, 71.1, 251, and 286 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit discrimination. Articles 12.2 and 292.1(c) create a separation between religion and the state. Constitution Project. “Mozambique 2004 (Rev. 2007) Constitution.” Constitute. POGO, 2012. Last modified 2012. Accessed June 21, 2022.


The Constitution of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar was ratified on 29 May 2008. Articles 34, 348, 352, 354(d), 363, and 368 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 362 recognizes Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Animism as religions in the country. Constitution Project. “Myanmar 2008 Constitution.” Constitute. POGO, April 27, 2022. Last modified April 27, 2022. Accessed June 21, 2022.


Constitution of the Republic of Namibia was ratified on 09 February 1990. Articles 10.2, 14.1, 19, 21, and 97 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. The preamble and Article 1.1 declare Namibia a secular state. Hishoono, Naita. “THE Constitution in the 21st Century Perspectives on the Context and Future of Namibia’s Supreme Law.” CMS. Namibia Institute for Democracy (NID) and the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR), 2011. Last modified 2011. Accessed June 23, 2022.


The Constitution of the Republic of Nauru was ratified on 29 January 1968. Article 11 grants religious freedom and equality. Parliament of Nauru. “THE CONSTITUTION OF NAURU.” Government of the Republic of Nauru. Parliament of Nauru, 2013. Last modified 2013. Accessed June 23, 2022.


Kingdom of the Netherlands

The Constitution of the Kingdom of the Netherlands was ratified on 29 March 1814. Articles 1, 6.1, 23.3, and 23.5 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties. “The Constitution of the Kingdom of the Netherlands 2008.” Government of the Netherlands. Ministerie van Algemene Zaken, April 29, 2014. Last modified April 29, 2014. Accessed June 23, 2022.

New Zealand

The New Zealand Bill of Rights Act(NZBORA) of 1990 was ratified on 28 August 1990; the Human Rights Act of 1993 was ratified 10 August 1993. Articles 13, 15, and 20 of the NZBORA and Articles 21.1(c), 21.1(d), 25.1(ai), 26, 27.2, 28, 39.1, 55, and 58.1 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Parliament of New Zealand. “Human Rights Act 1993.” New Zealand Legislation. The Parliamentary Counsel Office, 2021. Last modified 2021. Accessed June 23, 2022. Parliament of New Zealand. “New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990.” New Zealand Legislation. Parliamentary Counsel Office, 2011. Last modified 2011. Accessed June 23, 2022.


The Constitution of Nicaragua was ratified on January 1, 1987. Articles 27, 29, 49, 69, 82.1, 124, and 180 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit discrimination. Articles 14 declare that Nicaragua has no official religion. Constitution Project. “Nicaragua 1987 (Rev. 2014) Constitution.” Constitute. POGO, April 27, 2022. Last modified April 27, 2022. Accessed June 23, 2022.


The Constitution of Niger was ratified on 31 October 2010. Articles 8, 17, and 30 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 3 declares a separation of church and state. Constitution Project. “Niger 2010 (Rev. 2017) Constitution.” Constitute. POGO, April 27, 2022. Last modified April 27, 2022. Accessed June 23, 2022.


The Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria was ratified on May 29, 1999. Articles 15.2, 38, and 42.1 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious freedom. Article 10 forbids a declaration of a state religion. National Assembly of Nigeria. “Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.” Nigeria Law. Nigeria Law, 2011. Last modified 2011. Accessed June 23, 2022.

North Korea

The Socialist Constitution of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea was ratified on 27 December 1972. Articles 66 and 68 grant religious freedom. Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea. “DPRK Constitution (2019).” NCNK. Last modified 2019. Accessed June 24, 2022.

North Macedonia

The Constitution of the Republic of North Macedonia was ratified on 17 November 1991. Articles 9, 19, 20, 48, 54, 110, and amendments VII.2 and VIII.1 grant religious freedom, equality and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 19 and Amendment VII.1 declares a separation of church and state. Republic of Macedonia. “Constitution of the Republic of North Macedonia.” Government of the Republic of North Macedonia. Last modified 2019. Accessed June 24, 2022.



The Basic Statute of the State of the Islamic Sultanate of Oman was decreed on November 6, 1966. Articles 17 and 28 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Article declares Islam the official religion of Oman. Sultan Haitham . “ROYAL DECREE NO. (101/96).” Ministry of Justice and Legal Affairs . Last modified 2022. Accessed June 24, 2022.



The Constitution of the Republic of Palau was ratified on 9 July 1980. Articles IV section 1 and section 5 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Article IV section 1 declares no official state religion. Constitution Project. “Palau's Constitution of 1981 with Amendments through 1992.” Constitute . POGO, April 27, 2022. Last modified April 27, 2022. Accessed June 24, 2022.


The Constitution of Panama was ratified on October 11, 1972. Articles 19, 35, 36, 45, 67, 94, 181 and 300 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 35 recognizes that the majority of Panamanians are Catholic and article 107 declares that Catholicism is to be taught in schools. Constitution Project. “Panama 1972 (Rev. 2004) Constitution.” Constitute. POGO, April 27, 2022. Last modified April 27, 2022. Accessed June 24, 2022.

Papua New Guinea

The Constitution of the Independent State of Papua New Guinea. Articles 2.1, 2.5, 45, 55.1, and 233.3(aiii) grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Parliament of Papua New Guinea. “Constitution of the Independent State of Papua New Guinea.” National Parliament of Papua New Guinea. Last modified 2022. Accessed June 24, 2022.


The Constitution of the Republic of Paraguay was ratified on June 20, 1992. Articles 24, 37, 63, 74 and 88 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 24 declares the relationship between the state and the Catholic church to be independent, cooperative, and autonomy. Constitution Project. “Paraguay 1992 (Rev. 2011) Constitution.” Constitute. POGO, April 27, 2022. Last modified April 27, 2022. Accessed June 24, 2022.


The Constitution of Peru was ratified on 31 December 1993. Articles 2.2, 2.3, and 37 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 50 recognizes the Catholic Church as historically, culturally, and morally important. Constitution Project. “Peru 1993 (Rev. 2021) Constitution.” Constitute. POGO, April 27, 2022. Last modified April 27, 2022. Accessed June 24, 2022.


The constitution of the Republic of the Philippines was ratified on February 2, 1987. Articles 3 section 5, 6 Section 28(3), 14 Section 3(3) grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit discrimination. Article 3 section 5 forbids the Philippines from the establishment of a state religion. Constitutional Commission of 1986. “The Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines: Govph.” Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines. Last modified 2022. Accessed June 24, 2022.


The Constitution of the Republic of Poland was ratified on April 2, 1997. Articles 25, 35.2, 53, 85.3, 233.1 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. “THE CONSTITUTION OF THE REPUBLIC OF POLAND OF 2nd APRIL, 1997.” The Sejm of the Republic of Poland. Last modified 1997. Accessed June 24, 2022.


The Constitution of the Portuguese Republic was ratified on 2 April 1976. Articles 13.2, 19.6, 35.3, 41, and 59.1 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 41.4 creates a separation of Church and State. Parliament of Portugal. “Constitution of the Portuguese Republic Seventh Revision.” Assembly of the Republic. Last modified 2005. Accessed June 24, 2022.


The Constitution of Qatar Dastūr was ratified on 9 April 2004. Articles 35 and 50 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 1 declares Islam the Official religion. Qatar Constitutional Committee . “The Constitution.” Government Communications Office. Last modified 2022. Accessed June 24, 2022.


The Constitution of Romania was ratified on 8 December 1991. Articles 4.2, 6.1, 7, 29, 32.7, and 44.4 grants religious freedom, equality, and prohibits religious discrimination. Presidential Administration of Romania. “The Constitution of Romania.” Presidency of Romania . Last modified 2022. Accessed June 24, 2022.


The Law on Freedom of Conscience and Religious Associations was ratified on September 26, 1997. This law grants religious freedom, equality, and prohibits religious discrimination. The Law was made after the constitution failed to protect these rights. United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. “Russia: Information on the Law ‘on Freedom of Conscience and Religious Associations’ and Its Impact on Religious Minorities.” Refworld. Canada: Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada, November 1997. Last modified November 1997. Accessed June 27, 2022.


The Constitution of Rwanda was ratified on May 26, 2003. Articles 16, 37, 57, and 136 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 4 declares Rwanda a secular state. Constitution Project. “Rwanda 2003 (Rev. 2015) Constitution.” Constitute. POGO, April 27, 2022. Last modified April 27, 2022. Accessed June 27, 2022.

Saint Kitts and Nevis

The Saint Christopher and Nevis Constitution Order 1983 was ratified on June 23, 1983. Articles 11 and 15 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. The National Assembly of Saint Kitts and Nevis . “Constitution of St. Christopher and Nevis.” Nevis Island Administration. Last modified October 28, 2017. Accessed June 27, 2022.

Saint Lucia

The Saint Lucia Constitution Order 1978 was ratified on 20th December 1978. Articles 1, 9, and 15 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious freedom. Government of Saint Lucia. Government of Saint Lucia. Last modified 2022. Accessed June 27, 2022.

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

The Saint Vincent Constitution Order 1979 was ratified on 26th July 1979. Articles 9 and 13.3 grant religious freedom and prohibit religious discrimination. The preamble declares the Supremacy of God. House of Assembly of Saint Vincent. “Constitution of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.” Government of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. Last modified November 11, 2005. Accessed June 27, 2022.


The Constitution of the Independent State of Samoa was ratified on May 10, 1961. Articles 11, 12, and 15 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. The preamble declares that Samoa is based on Christian principles. Constitutional Convention of Samoa. “Constitution of the Independent State of Samoa 1960.” Government of Samoa. Government of Samoa, 2017. Last modified 2017. Accessed June 28, 2022.

San Marino

Declaration of Citizens' Rights and of the fundamental principles of the San Marinese legal order was ratified on July 8, 1974. Article 4 and 6 grant religious equality, freedom, and prohibit religious discrimination. Right of Assembly. “San Marino: Constitution - 1974.” Last modified 2022. Accessed June 28, 2022.

São Tomé and Príncipe

The constitution of The Constitution of the Democratic Republic of São Tomé and Príncipe was ratified on November 5, 1975. Articles 15.1, and 27 guarantee religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 8 creates a separation of church and state; and Article 154(b) declares the state to be secular. Constitution Project. “Sao Tome and Principe 1975 (Rev. 2003) Constitution.” Constitute. POGO, April 27, 2022. Last modified April 27, 2022. Accessed June 28, 2022.

Saudi Arabia

King Fahd Bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud decreed the basic law of governance on March 1, 1992. Article 1 declares Saudi Arabia an Islamic State and the official religion Islam. There are no official religious freedom guaranteed in Saudia Arabi. King Fahd Bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud. “The Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia.” Basic Law of Governance | The Embassy of The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Last modified March 1, 1992. Accessed June 28, 2022.


The Constitution of the Republic of Senegal was ratified on 7 January 2001. Articles 1, 5, 8, 22, and 24 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 1 declares Senegal to be a secular state. Constitution Project. “Senegal 2001 (Rev. 2016) Constitution.” Constitute. POGO, April 27, 2022. Last modified April 27, 2022. Accessed June 28, 2022.


The Constitution of the Republic of Serbia was ratified November 8, 2006. Article 5, 21, 39, 43, 44, 45, 48, 49, 57, 79, and 81 grant extensive religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 11 declares Serbia a secular state and creates a separation of church and state. The National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia. “CALLING A REPUBLIC REFERENDUM TO ENDORSE THE NEW CONSTITUTION OF THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA.” Government of the Republic of Serbia . Last modified 2006. Accessed June 28, 2022.


The Constitution of the Republic of Seychelles Act was ratified on June 18, 1993. The Articles 21 and 27 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit discrimination. Government of Seychelles . “Constitution of the Republic Seychelles (Preparation and Promulgation) Act, 1992.” Last modified 1993.

Sierra Leone

The Constitution of Sierra Leone was ratified on October 1, 1991. Articles 6.2, 8.3(b), 13(e), and 24 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Parliament of Sierra Leone. “The Constitution of Sierra Leone, 1991.” Public Sector Reform Unit. Office of the President, 2016. Last modified 2016. Accessed June 30, 2022.


The Constitution of Singapore was ratified on 22 December 1965. Articles 12, 15, 16, and 150.5(iii) grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 153 grants a provision for a council to regulate Muslim affairs. Parliament of Singapore . “CONSTITUTION OF THE REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE.” Singapore Statutes Online. Last modified December 1, 2021. Accessed June 30, 2022.


Constitution Of The Slovak Republic The articles 12.2, 24, and 25.2 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 1 states that Slovakia is not bound by any religion. National Council of the Slovak Republic. “Constitution of the Slovak Republic.” President of the Slovak Republic. Last modified 2017. Accessed June 30, 2022.


The Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia was ratified on December 23, 1991. Articles 14, 16, 41, 63, and 123 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious. Article 7 separates church and state. National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia. “THE CONSTITUTION OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA.” Republic of Slovenia. Last modified 2016. Accessed June 30, 2022.

Solomon Islands

The Solomon Islands Independence Order 1978 was ratified on 8th June 1978. Articles 3, 11, and 15.4 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Parliament of the Solomon Islands . “The Solomon Islands Independence Order 1978.” Last modified 1978. Accessed July 3, 2022.


The Provisional Federal Constitution of Somalia was ratified on August 1, 2012. Article 11 declares religious equality and prohibits religious discrimination, while article 17 declares religious freedom. Article 2 declares Islam the state religion and that no other religion can be propagated in the country. Constitution Project. “Somalia 2012 Constitution.” Constitute. POGO, April 27, 2022. Last modified April 27, 2022. Accessed July 5, 2022.

South Africa

The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa was ratified on December 18, 1996. Articles 9, 15, and 31 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Government of South Africa . “The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa.” South African Government. Last modified 2003. Accessed July 5, 2022.,the%20provisions%20of%20the%20Constitution.

South Korea

The Constitution of the Republic of South Korea was ratified on July 12, 1948. Articles 11 and 20.1 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 20.2 declares a separation between church and state. The National Assembly of the Republic of Korea. “Constitution of South Korea .” Last modified 1987. Accessed July 5, 2022.

South Sudan

The Transitional Constitution of the Republic of South Sudan was ratified on July 9, 2011. Articles 8.2, 14, 23, 29.1, 31.1(e), 122.5(a), 139(d), 169.6, and 190(a) grant religious freedom, equality, and extensively prohibit religious discrimination. Article 8.1 declares a separation between church and state. Constitution Project. “South Sudan 2011 (Rev. 2013) Constitution.” Constitute. POGO, April 27, 2022. Last modified April 27, 2022. Accessed July 5, 2022.


Freedom of religion is established within the Constitution and established a secular state. The Catholic Church, however, has established itself as a central player within Spanish politics, with its prominent role in the People's Party. It also has special privileges within Spanish society (U.S. Department of State, "SPAIN 2018 INTERNATIONAL RELIGIOUS FREEDOM REPORT").

Sri Lanka

The Constitution provides freedom of thought and religion. It recognizes four religions (Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, and Islam). It also designates Buddhism as the state religion, thus giving it priority (U.S. Department of State, "2018 Report on International Religious Freedom: Sri Lanka").


Articles 4, 41, 43, 48, 56, 62.1, and 66 grant religious freedoms, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. There is no mention of Islam and Sharia Law, which was a corner stone in their previous constitution. Constitution Project. “Sudan 2019 Constitution.” Constitute. POGO, April 27, 2022. Last modified April 27, 2022. Accessed July 5, 2022.


The Constitution of the Republic of Suriname was ratified on 30 September 1987. Articles 8.2, 18, and 28 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Constitution Project . “Suriname 1987 (Rev. 1992) Constitution.” Constitute. POGO, April 27, 2022. Last modified April 27, 2022. Accessed July 5, 2022.


The Constitution of Sweden was ratified in 1974, and came into force on January 1, 1975. Chapter 1 Article 2, Chapter 2 Article 1.6, 2, 21, 23, and Chapter 7 Article 4.11 grant religious freedoms, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Riksdag. “The Constitution of Sweden.” Last modified 2016. Accessed July 5, 2022.


The Federal Constitution of the Swiss Confederation was ratified on 12 September 1848. Articles 8.2 and 15 grants religious freedom and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 72 leaves the regulation of religion to preserve public peace to the cantons. The Federal Constitution. “Federal Constitution of the Swiss Confederation.” Last modified February 13, 2022. Accessed July 5, 2022.


The Constitution of the Syrian Arab Republic was ratified on February 26, 2012. Articles 3 and 33.3 grant religious freedom and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 3 also declares the president must me Islamic and Islam Jurisprudence or Sharia is the main source of legislation. Constitution Project. “Syrian Arab Republic 2012 Constitution.” Constitute. POGO, April 27, 2022. Last modified April 27, 2022. Accessed July 5, 2022.


The Constitution provides religious freedom and establishes separation between church and state. All religious activity is required to be reported to the state. An amendment to current law (enforced in January 2018) permits restrictions on religious activity for the sole purpose of ensuring the rights and freedoms of others, as well as banning one religious sect from being state ideology (U.S. Department of State, "2018 Report on International Religious Freedom: Tajikistan").


The Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania was ratified in 1977. Article 9, 13, 19, and 39.2 grants religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. The preamble and article 3 declare Tanzania to be secular. THE UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA Office of The Attorney General. “The Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania of 1977.” Last modified 2005. Accessed July 5, 2022.


The Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand was ratified on April 6, 2017. Article 5, 30, and 37 grants religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 9 states the king must be Buddhist and article 79 declares the state maintain that most Thais are Buddhists. Office of the Council of the State. “Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand.” Last modified 2017. Accessed July 5, 2022.


The Constitution of Togo was ratified on 14th of October 1992. Articles 2, 11, and 25 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Articles 1, 25, and 144 declare the State as secular. Constitution Project. “Togo 1992 (Rev. 2007) Constitution.” Constitute. POGO, April 27, 2022. Last modified April 27, 2022. Accessed July 5, 2022.


The Act of Constitution of Tonga was ratified on 4 November 1875. Article 5 grant freedom of worship. Parliament of Tonga. “The Constitution of Tonga.” Last modified 2020. Accessed July 5, 2022. file:///C:/Users/14432/Downloads/ConstitutionofTonga.pdf_3.pdf.

Trinidad and Tobago

Trinidad and Tobago (Constitution) Order in Council 1962 ratified on 4 November 1875. Articles 1 and 1(h) grants religious freedom and prohibit religious discrimination. Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. “Trinidad and Tobago Independence Act 1962.” Last modified 2012. Accessed July 5, 2022.


The Constitution of Tunisia was ratified on 27 January 2014. Articles 6 grants freedom of religion. Article 1 declares Islam the state religion; Article 74 declares the president must be Muslim. Constitution Project. “Tunisia 2014 Constitution.” Constitute. POGO, April 27, 2022. Last modified April 27, 2022. Accessed July 5, 2022.


The Constitution of the Republic of Turkey was ratified on 7 November 1982. Articles 10, 15, and 24 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 2, 13, 14, 68, 136, 174, and the oath of office repeatedly define the state as secular and safeguard the secularism of the government of Turkey. The Grand National Assembly of Türkiye. “Constitution of the Republic of Turkey.” Last modified July 23, 1995. Accessed July 5, 2022.


The Constitution ensures a secular state, but is significantly limited. The state requires that all religious organizations must register--as of now, only Sunni Muslims and Russian Orthodoxes are registered (U.S. Department of State, "UZBEKISTAN 2018 INTERNATIONAL RELIGIOUS FREEDOM REPORT").


The Constitution of Tuvalu was ratified on October 1, 1978. Articles 11, 23, and 27 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. The preamble declare Tuvalu to be based on Christian principles. Tuvalu Government . “ THE CONSTITUTION OF TUVULA .” Last modified 2008. Accessed July 5, 2022. file:///C:/Users/14432/Downloads/Constitution-of-Tuvalu.pdf.


The Constitution of the Republic of Uganda was ratified on October 8, 1995. Articles 21.2, 21.3, 29, and 37 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 7 states that Uganda shall not adopt a state religion. Parliament of Uganda . “Constitution of Uganda.” Last modified March 7, 2018. Accessed July 5, 2022.


The Constitution of Ukraine was ratified on June 28, 1996. Articles 11, 24, and 35 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 35 declares a separation of church and state. Parliament of Ukraine. “The Constitution of Ukraine.” Last modified January 1, 2020. Accessed July 5, 2022.

United Arab Emirates

United Kingdom

The Toleration Act of 1689 allowed nonconformist religions, with the exception of Roman Catholicism, to practice. However, social penalties still persisted (U.K. Parliament, "Catholics and nonconformists"). The Human Rights Act of 1998 established the fundamental rights of citizens within the UK, including freedom of religion (Equality and Human Rights Commission, "The Human Rights Act," Article 9).

United States

Article 1 of the Bill of Rights in the Constitution establishes freedom of religion and its expression. Article 1 also prevent congress from declaring an official religion. United States Senate . “Constitution of the United States of America.” Last modified 2021. Accessed July 6, 2022.


The Constitution of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay was ratified in 1830. Article 5 grants freedom of religion. Article 5 declares the states supports no religion. Constitution Project. “Uruguay 1966 (Reinst. 1985, Rev. 2004) Constitution.” Constitute. POGO, April 27, 2022. Last modified April 27, 2022. Accessed July 5, 2022.


The Constitution guarantees freedom of religion and separation of church and state (U.S. Department of State, "UZBEKISTAN 2018 INTERNATIONAL RELIGIOUS FREEDOM REPORT").


The Constitution of the Republic of Vanuatu was ratified in 1979. Articles 5 grants religious freedom, equality, and prohibits religious discrimination. The preamble declares Vanuatu is founded on Christian principles. Government of Vanuatu . “Constitution of the Republic of Vanuatu .” Last modified 2006. Accessed July 6, 2022.


The Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela was ratified on December 19, 1999. Articles 21.1, 59, and 89.5 grant religious freedom and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 119 protect the religious rights of indigenous people. Constitution Project. “Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 1999 (Rev. 2009) Constitution.” Constitute. POGO, April 27, 2022. Last modified April 27, 2022. Accessed July 5, 2022.


The Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam was ratified on 15 April 1992. Article 24 grants religious freedom, while article 16 grants a general equality and protection from all discrimination. Article 9 declares Vietnam Fatherland Front, Communist Party in Vietnam, the representative of religions in Vietnam. Constitution Project. “Vietnam 1992 (Rev. 2013) Constitution.” Constitute. POGO, April 27, 2022. Last modified April 27, 2022. Accessed July 6, 2022.


The Constitution of Yemen was ratified on May 16, 1991. Article 2 declares Islam the state religion. There are no mentions of specific religious freedom, equality, or prohibitions of religious discrimination. Article 42 does grant freedom of thought, speech, and expression of opinion within the law. Constitution Project. “Yemen's Constitution of 1991 with Amendments through 2015.” Constitute . POGO, April 27, 2022. Last modified April 27, 2022. Accessed July 6, 2022.


The Constitution of Zambia (amendment) was ratified on January 5, 2016. The preamble protects freedom of religion, while also declaring it a Christian Republic. Articles 8(d), 118.2(a), and 173.3(a) prohibit discrimination and article 266 defines discrimination to include religious discrimination. Parliament of Zambia . “Government of Zambia Act -.” Last modified January 5, 2016. Accessed July 6, 2022.,%202016-Act%20No.%202_0.pdf.


The Constitution of Zimbabwe was ratified on 16 March 2013. Articles 5(ciii), 56.3, and 60 grant religious freedoms, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Parliament of Zimbabwe . “Constitution of Zimbabwe.” Last modified August 9, 2021. Accessed July 6, 2022.

Is there another noteworthy written source from the past that mentions this right?

Is the identification of this right associated with a particular era in history, political regime, or political leader?

What specific events or ideas contributed to its identification as a fundamental right?

When was it generally accepted as a fundamental, legally-protectable right?

What historical forces or events, if any, contributed to a widespread belief in its importance?

Legal Codification

Is this right protected in the Constitutions of most countries today?

Is it contained in the US Constitution?

Has it been interpreted as being implicit in the US Constitution?

Are there any exceptions in American law to this right?

Is this right enshrined in international and regional human rights treaties?

Philosophical Origins

What have religious and philosophical traditions contributed to our understanding of this right?



Aristotelian thought

Ancient Chinese Philosophy


Early Indian Philosophy

Miscellaneous Hellenistic Schools (epicureans, academics, skeptics, etc.)

Roman Legal and Political Thought

Early Christianity

Thomism and medieval Christianity

Medieval Islamic Thought

Medieval Judaism

Early Modern Rationalism

Absolute Idealism

Reformation Christianity

Hobbesian Thought

Lockean Thought/English Empiricism


Scottish Enlightenment

Modern Capitalism

Rousseau's Thought


German Idealism

Benthamite Utilitarianism

Millian Utilitarianism

Current Utilitarianism



Early Sociology


Weberian Thought

Process Philosophy

Social Darwinism

British Idealism (19th cen.)

Continental Philosophy/Frankfurt School


Feminist Thought


Are there any philosophical or moral traditions that dispute the classification of this right as a fundamental right?

What do the major legal theories (positive law, natural law, critical legal studies, etc.) say about this right?

Culture and Politics

Is this right interpreted and exercised in different ways in different countries? Focus on particular countries in which the right is interpreted distinctively

Is this right exercised in different ways depending on the political governance regime in place (democracy, autocracy, hybrid regime)?

Is there general and widespread belief that this right is a fundamental right that should generally be protected (and that exceptions should be rare)?

Does public polling reveal insights about the right as experienced in different countries?

Conflicts with other Rights

Are there other specific fundamental rights that tend to conflict with this right? Can you identify specific examples of this?

Are there other specific rights that are critical to the exercise of this right? Can you identify specific examples of this?

Is there a perception that this right is above or higher than other fundamental rights, or in general, that it has a particular place in a hierarchy of rights?

What specific examples of hierarchies, manifestos, constitutions, or prioritized descriptions of rights cite this right’s high status? Low status? No status at all?

How does federalism change, if at all, the exercise or application of this right? What examples of this can one point to?

Limitations / Restrictions

What are the typical exceptions or limitations placed on this right?

Under American jurisprudence, what permissible exceptions exist?

Under international human rights laws, what permissible exceptions (often called derogations) exist?

Have political theorists or philosophers discussed the permissibility of exceptions to this right?

Should this right be limited when limiting it would jeopardize democratic norms?

Is this right often perceived as threatening to government authorities?

Is this right often curtailed by government authorities for reasons other than those which are generally viewed as permissible?

Is this right at times curtailed by private actors?

Is this right subject to specific limitations in event of emergency (war, brief natural disaster [weather, earthquake], long-run natural disaster [volcano, fire, disease])? Can such limitations be defined in advance with reference to the disaster in question?

Utilitarian / Fairness Assessments

Is there a cost attached to protecting and enforcing this right? What kinds of costs are implicated?

Short-term economic cost in general

Long-term economic cost in general

American Free Press and Its Consequences Freedom of the Press, as granted by 1st amendment in the Constitution of the United States of America, is “Congress shall make no law… abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press” (Madison 1789). Freedom of the Press is a key component of the right to freedom of expression. It will be defined as a press free from unreasonable government censorship or government control. The founders demonstrated the importance of freedom of the press through their writings pre and post revolution. Levvy says in Emergence of a free press, “only those who supported the American cause against England had a right to freedom of speech and press” (Levvy 1985, 156). What were the consequences of American freedom of press gained through freedom from Britain. In this paper, firstly, I argue that freedom of the press decreases poverty and increases development. Then, I will discuss why Amartya Sen believes the effects of decreased poverty and increased development occur. Finally, I will discuss possible short-term costs that derive from a free press. The American press is undoubtedly subject to little interference from the government; there are three main laws that have been put on the press that have either been discontinued or have major loops: the FCC Fairness Doctrine, the Communications Act, and the Equal Time Rule. The Fairness Doctrine required holders of broadcast licenses to cover controversial issues of public interest in a manner that reflected different viewpoints. This rule was replaced in 1987 with the Communications Act, which removed the important provisions of the Fairness doctrine in regard to the press and removed the FCC’s ability to censoring or regulating broadcasted material. Finally, the Equal Time Rule requires if a broadcast sell airtime to one candidate it must offer to sell the same amount of airtime to the other candidate. However, there are numerous ways of circumventing this such as before the candidate officially runs, not having the political party endorse the appearance, debates, and interviews. The rules describes no longer apply, except for the Communications Act, which only rules on equal access to media. Therefore, the current day legal framework of the American press is extremely free and unregulated by the government and has no strong censorship or burdensome regulation of the press. The freedom of the press granted by the United States government allows for many economic benefits including decreases poverty and increase development. In 2008, a UNESCO funded research paper described dozens of experiments and models to show the possible effects of a free press had on the economy due to the correlations found. The paper found that “no country concurrently has a free press and a high percentage of its population living below the poverty line”(2008). The paper also showed a good correlation between free press and lower rates of poverty. Development was more complex in its relationship with free press, “once the education prerequisites have been met, freedom of the press can genuinely develop. It can thus be readily appreciated that all the other dimensions of development will in turn benefit as a result and that a positive dynamic can be established”(2008). Development, in terms of food, health care, and economic security, had a good correlation with free press when is was model in countries that also had good education. Therefore, for a free press to have a strong positive correlation with development, it is likely that education is necessary. A free press correlates with decreasing poverty, and when paired with education increasing human development. Amartya Sen also agrees with these positive correlations of free press and describes the theory behind it. Sen says, “these deprivations restrict social and political lives, and must be seen as repressive even without their leading to other afflictions (such as economic disasters)”(Sen 1999). Amartya Sen believes that the lack of social and political freedoms, like a free press, led to economic disasters because they are repressive. This repression leads to worse policy, Amartya Sen says, “the role of a free press in disseminating knowledge and facilitating critical scrutiny is a necessary requirement of informed politics and cannot but be important for the formulation of development policies”(2003). Press also gives the public access to knowledge, which strengthens debates over policy, allowing policy to be more effective and well-made. Because the lack of a free press is repressive and a free press strengthens public discussion, creates better policy, which likely causes the good correlations between a free press and poverty and development. The costs of a free or nongovernment-controlled press come from the influence of profit driven motives from the press, which cause bias. Amartya Sen says about the right to a free press, “press freedom can be most effective only when that freedom is utilised by the media fully, rather than in a biased or slanted way. Freedom is a permissive condition, and permission is not enough to make a success of the use of the opportunity available”(Sen 2013). Sen believes that the right or permission to a free press does not make the freedom successful because the press can be biased. Habermas describes how the profit motive of the press causes bias, saying, “Press developed from a business in pure news reporting to one involving ideologies and viewpoints, however, and the compiling of items of information encountered the competition of literary journalism, a new element—political in the broader sense—was joined to the economic one” (Habermas 1991, 182). Habermas is describing how once the press started selling opinion pieces and giving takes on the news, instead of pure news and facts of the day, the press began a dealing in selling ideologies and viewpoints. The American free press is free to report the news in a broad way and can also release opinion pieces, if done in a biased way the media will be more focused on shaping public opinion. The press profit driven motive allows the press to be more interested in shaping public opinion than reporting facts, this shaping of public opinions has real economic costs. Killian J. McCarthy describes these effects, saying, “ from a conscious, commercial perspective, the media has an incentive to be intentionally negative. In a state of uncertainty, sentiment- the willingness of the consumer and the business to invest—will be reduced”( McCarty 2013). A free press has increased reporting on negative news as it is more profitable, but this causes a decreased willingness to invest. The negative press coverage can also affect spending through media coverage, McCarthy says, “the media shapes consumer sentiment and the consumers' willingness to spend”(2013). The free press affects consumer sentiment and consumptions. The press will cover more negative news because it is more lucrative, which will negatively impact consumptions, investments, and sentiments because it will cause public opinion to be skewed more pessimistically on the economy. A free press likely increases development, decreases poverty, but may decrease consumer spending and investment during times of negative coverage. Press freedom was shown to have good correlations to development and lower rates of poverty. This was data was explained by Amartya Sen to likely be due to repression from not having a free press and the better policy made from stronger debates with a free press. Habermas and Sen discussed how the press bias could be damaging, while McCarthy described out the negative media bias causes decreased investment and consumer spending.

Works Cited . Habermas, Jurgen. The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere: An Enquiry into a Category of Bouergeois Society. Cambridge: The M.I.T. Press, 1991. Levy, Leonard Williams. Emergence of a Free Press. Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, 2004. McCarthy, Killian J., and Wilfred Dolfsma. “Neutral Media? Evidence of Media Bias and Its Economic Impact.” Review of Social Economy 72, no. 1 (2013): 42–54. Kumat), Sen Amartya (Amartya. Development as Freedom. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999. Sen, Amartya. “Press Freedom: What Is It Good For?” Index on Censorship 42, no. 3 (September 2013): 6–14.

Cost to those least able to economically absorb the cost

Cost to perceived democratic legitimacy

Cost to consistency or coherence of the law as a whole

Cost to the legitimacy or effectiveness of other rights

Cost to considerations of social equality

Cost to other non-material goods not so far specified

What are the financial consequences, if any, of making this right a legally protectable right?

Are there any groups that are uniquely disadvantaged by the exercise of this right?

Are there any groups that uniquely benefit from the exercise of this right?

Are there instances when this fundamental right can lead to unfairness or inequities?

Are there objective ways to measure the utilitarian nature of this right?

If so, where can one draw the line: when does this right stop being useful or economically viable?

Looking Ahead

How can we expect this right to change and evolve in the years ahead?

How is the future likely to shape the exercise of this right?

Will the exercise or protection of this right be affected by technological changes?

Under what conditions would this right become irrelevant?

Are questions of fairness and utility pertaining to this right likely to change in the years ahead?

Policy Recommendations

Can the practice or exercise of this right be shaped through executive action?

In the US context, are there particular parties with a stake or interest in amending or reconceptualizing this right?

In the US context, can this right be altered legislatively, or would it require a constitutional amendment?

Is this right best addressed at the national level? The sub-national level? The international level?

To what extent is this right shaped primarily by judicial decisions?

If this right is best addressed through the amendment process, how should it proceed?

If this right were unlimited, what might be the consequences (positive and negative)?

If this right were eliminated, what might be the consequences (positive and negative)?

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