Freedom of Religion/History/Country sources/Guinea-Bissau

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What is the oldest written source in this country that mentions this right?


Freedom of worship was guaranteed in Article 17 of Guinea-Bissau’s 1973 Constitution.

The Constitution of Guinea-Bissau was ratified on 6 May 1984. Articles 6.2, 24, 31.2, and 52 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Articles 1 and 130 declares Guinea-Bissau a secular state; and Article 6.1 declares a separation between church and state. Article 52 Sections 1-3 of the constitution establishes that “1. Freedom of conscience and of religion is inviolable. 2. All are assured the liberty of worship, which in no manner may violate the fundamental principles established by this Constitution. 3. The freedom to teach any religion under its denomination is guaranteed” (


Guinea-Bissau 1973 Constitution:’s

“Guinea-Bissau 1984 (Rev. 1996) Constitution.” Constitute. Accessed July 21, 2023.