Freedom of Religion/History/Country sources/Portugal

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What is the oldest written source in this country that mentions this right?


Portugal’s first constitution was enacted in 1822. Title II, Article XXV assigns the Catholic religion, Apostolic and Roman, as the nations official religion while allowing others to practice and identify with their own faiths and religions. It is important to note that this is the Political Constitution of the Portuguese Monarchy which established a constitutional monarchy. Sources: “Northwestern SSO.” n.d. Accessed June 21, 2024. 09&id=941&men_tab=srchresults.

The Constitution of the Portuguese Republic was ratified on 2 April 1976. Articles 13.2, 19.6, 35.3, 41, and 59.1 grant religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 41.4 creates a separation of Church and State. Parliament of Portugal. “Constitution of the Portuguese Republic Seventh Revision.” Assembly of the Republic. Last modified 2005. Accessed June 24, 2022.