Freedom of Religion/History/Country sources/Kingdom of the Netherlands

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What is the oldest written source in this country that mentions this right?

Kingdom of the Netherlands

The Kingdom of the Netherlands gained its independence in 1813 and established their constitution in 1814. Article 7, Chapter 1 of the Constitution of the Kingdom of the Netherlands describes freedom of expression, No one shall require prior permission to publish thoughts or opinions through the press, without prejudice to the responsibility of every person under the law. Rules concerning radio and television shall be laid down by Act of Parliament. There shall be no prior supervision of the content of a radio or television broadcast. No one shall be required to submit thoughts or opinions for prior approval in order to disseminate them by means other than those mentioned in the preceding paragraphs, without prejudice to the responsibility of every person under the law. The holding of performances open to persons younger than sixteen years of age may be regulated by Act of Parliament in order to protect good morals. The preceding paragraphs do not apply to commercial advertising.”


“Netherlands 1814 (Rev. 2008) Constitution - Constitute.” n.d.