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SwedenFreedom of ReligionHistoryThe Constitution of Sweden was ratified in 1974, and came into force on January 1, 1975. Chapter 1 Article 2, Chapter 2 Article 1.6, 2, 21, 23, and Chapter 7 Article 4.11 grant religious freedoms, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Riksdag. “The Constitution of Sweden.” Last modified 2016. Accessed July 5, 2022.
SwitzerlandFreedom of ReligionHistoryThe Federal Constitution of the Swiss Confederation was ratified on 12 September 1848. Articles 8.2 and 15 grants religious freedom and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 72 leaves the regulation of religion to preserve public peace to the cantons. The Federal Constitution. “Federal Constitution of the Swiss Confederation.” Last modified February 13, 2022. Accessed July 5, 2022.
SyriaFreedom of ReligionHistoryThe Constitution of the Syrian Arab Republic was ratified on February 26, 2012. Articles 3 and 33.3 grant religious freedom and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 3 also declares the president must me Islamic and Islam Jurisprudence or Sharia is the main source of legislation. Constitution Project. “Syrian Arab Republic 2012 Constitution.” Constitute. POGO, April 27, 2022. Last modified April 27, 2022. Accessed July 5, 2022.
São Tomé and PríncipeFreedom of ReligionHistoryThe constitution of The Constitution of the Democratic Republic of São Tomé and Príncipe was ratified on November 5, 1975. Articles 15.1, and 27 guarantee religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 8 creates a separation of church and state; and Article 154(b) declares the state to be secular. Constitution Project. “Sao Tome and Principe 1975 (Rev. 2003) Constitution.” Constitute. POGO, April 27, 2022. Last modified April 27, 2022. Accessed June 28, 2022.
TajikistanFreedom of ReligionHistory

The first assertion of the freedom of religion in Tajikistan is the 1994 Constitution post-independence from the Soviet Union. The right is found in article 26 which allows the individual, or group to adhere to any religion or none.

An amendment to current law (enforced in January 2018) permits restrictions on religious activity for the sole purpose of ensuring the rights and freedoms of others, as well as banning one religious sect from being state ideology (U.S. Department of State, "2018 Report on International Religious Freedom: Tajikistan").

TanzaniaFreedom of ReligionHistory

The first assertion of the freedom of religion in Tanzania is the 1977 constitution after the unification of the states of Tanganyika and Zanzibar after their independence from the United Kingdom. Article 9, 13, 19, and 39.2 grants religious freedom, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination. The preamble and article 3 declare Tanzania to be secular.

THE UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA Office of The Attorney General. “The Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania of 1977.” Last modified 2005. Accessed July 5, 2022.

ThailandFreedom of ReligionHistory

The first assertion of the freedom of religion in Thailand is the 1932 constitution which asserts the freedom of religion in Section 13. Section 13 highlights the freedom of worship and belief but limits the freedom ‘if contrary to the duties of a national or to public order or public morals’.

The BahamasFreedom of ReligionHistory

The Constitution of The Commonwealth of The Bahamas was ratified on July 10th 1973. Article 22 protects freedom of religion. The preamble does specifically mention Christian values and the supremacy of God. Constitution Project. “Bahamas (the) 1973 Constitution.” Constitute, POGO, 27 Apr. 2022,

The Bahamas’ 1973 Constitution contains the first assertion of freedom of religion in the country’s independent history. Article 22 of the document outlines this right.

“Constitution of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas.” The Government of the Bahamas. Accessed July 20, 2023.

The GambiaFreedom of ReligionHistory

The Gambia Independence Order of 1965, written on January 29th, 1965, and presented to the British Parliament in the same year, protects and guarantees the right to freedom of religion in Gambia. Article 19 deals with freedom of conscience and its six sections address freedom of religion, granting it to all citizens (“The Gambia Independence Order” 1965). Under the 2020 Constitution of the Gambia Articles 1.3, 4.d, 12, 32, 49, 67, 69, 274.1(d), and 296.2(d) offer extensive religious protections and prohibit religious discrimination, and Articles 88.5(b) and 153.2(b) declare that the president and national assembly may not establish a national religion.

“The Gambia Independence Order” 1965.

Constitution Project “Gambia (the) 2020 Constitution.” Constitute. POGO, April 27, 2022.

TogoFreedom of ReligionHistory

The first assertion of the freedom of religion in Togo would be the Constitution de la République Togolaise, 5 mai 1963 (5th of May, 1963).,-0.017,3.789,1.703,0

TongaFreedom of ReligionHistory

The first assertion of religious freedom is seen under Part I, Article 5, in the 1875 Constitution of Tonga. This article protects the freedom of worship. Under Article 6, is also the protection to keep the Sabbath Day holy.

Constitute Project. 1875 Constitution of Tonga. (rev. 2013)

Trinidad and TobagoFreedom of ReligionHistory

The first assertion of Religious Freedom is in the 1976 Constitution of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago in Chapter 1, Part 1, Article 4, Point H. This article asserts multiple human rights and guarantees equality regardless of religion, as well as the protection of freedom of conscience and religious belief and observance.

The Verification Research, Training and Information Centre. Laws of Trinidad and Tobago. Constitution of 1976.

TunisiaFreedom of ReligionHistory

Under Chapter I, Article 5, Freedom of religion is asserted in the Constitution of the Republic of Tunisia. Article 5 specifically guarantees fundamental freedoms and human rights, covering Freedom of religion and conscience in the last point made, “provided it does not not disturb public order."

Constitute Project. 1959 Constitution of the Republic of Tunisia.

TurkeyFreedom of ReligionHistory

In the 1961 Constitution of The Turkish Republic, Freedom of religion is asserted as Freedom of thought and faith, under Section II, Part IV, Article 19. This Article protects citizens from being compelled to worship, and also guarantees them the choice of faith and practices of worship. It also mentions “no person shall be reproached for his religion or faith; and no person shall be allowed to exploit and abuse religion for the purpose of political or personal benefit.”

1961 Constitution of the Turkish Republic.

TurkmenistanFreedom of ReligionHistory

In the 2008 Constitution of the Turkish Republic, Freedom of Religion is covered under Section I, Article 12. This constitution established the state as secular, and guaranteed equality regardless of religion, separation of church and state, and the right to declare any religion or none under Article 12.

Constitute Project. Constitution of Turkmenistan 2008.

TuvaluFreedom of ReligionHistory

The assertion of religious freedom is covered within the first constitution of Tuvalu, Under Part II, Division 3, Article 23, upon gaining independence from the United Kingdom in 1978. This article guarantees freedom of belief, including religion, and articulates the responsibilities and rights of religious groups and education, protection from conformity, as well as circumstantial provisions of this freedom.

International Labour Organization. Constitution of Tuvalu 1978. 2008 rev.

UgandaFreedom of ReligionHistory

In the 1962 Constitution of Uganda, Freedom of Religion is asserted in Chapter III, Article 25. Freedom of thought, conscience, and religion are all covered under this Article, and also the freedom to change belief and religion. This the first constitution of Uganda following their independence in 1962.

World Statesman. Uganda Constitutional Instruments and Independence Order. 1962.

UkraineFreedom of ReligionHistory

Under Title II, Article 35, Freedom of religion is first asserted in the 1996 Constitution of Ukraine. This Article addresses guaranteed protection of choice and practice of worship, separation of church and state, and asserts alternatives in the case of conscientious objection to military service.

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Constitution of Ukraine. 1996.

United Arab EmiratesFreedom of ReligionHistory

In the 1971 Constitution of the United Arab Emirates, under Part Three, Article 32, freedom to exercise religious worship is guaranteed as long as it is in accordance with established customs and does not conflict with public policy or morals. Equality regardless of religion is asserted under Article 25, however, islam is declared the official religion under Article 7.

Ref World. Constitution of the United Arab Emirates 1971.

United KingdomFreedom of ReligionHistoryThe Toleration Act of 1689 allowed nonconformist religions, with the exception of Roman Catholicism, to practice. However, social penalties still persisted (U.K. Parliament, "Catholics and nonconformists"). The Human Rights Act of 1998 established the fundamental rights of citizens within the UK, including freedom of religion (Equality and Human Rights Commission, "The Human Rights Act," Article 9).
United StatesFreedom of ReligionHistoryArticle 1 of the Bill of Rights in the Constitution establishes freedom of religion and its expression. Article 1 also prevent congress from declaring an official religion. United States Senate . “Constitution of the United States of America.” Last modified 2021. Accessed July 6, 2022.
UruguayFreedom of ReligionHistory

The Constitution of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay was ratified in 1830. Article 5 grants freedom of religion. Article 5 declares the state supports no religion.

Constitution Project. “Uruguay 1966 (Reinst. 1985, Rev. 2004) Constitution.” Constitute. POGO, April 27, 2022. Last modified April 27, 2022. Accessed July 5, 2022.

UzbekistanFreedom of ReligionHistory

The first assertion of religious freedom within Uzbekistan was in the 1992 Constitution, under Part Two, Chapter 7, Article 31. This article protects the right to profess or not profess any religion, and declares any compulsory imposition of religion impermissible.

United Nations. The Permanent Mission of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the United Nations. Constitution of the United Nations. 1992.

VanuatuFreedom of ReligionHistory

Freedom of Religion is asserted in the 1980 Constitution of Vanuatu under Chapter 2, Part I, Article 5, Subject 1.F. This article covers multiple fundamental rights and freedoms, and guarantees equality regardless of religion. Subject 1.F specifies freedom of conscience and worship.

Constitute Project. 1980 Constitution of Vanuatu.

VenezuelaFreedom of ReligionHistory

The Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela was ratified on December 19, 1999. Articles 21.1, 59, and 89.5 grant religious freedom and prohibit religious discrimination. Article 119 protect the religious rights of indigenous people.

Constitution Project. “Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 1999 (Rev. 2009) Constitution.” Constitute. POGO, April 27, 2022. Last modified April 27, 2022. Accessed July 5, 2022.

VietnamFreedom of ReligionHistory

Freedom of religion is covered in the 1946 Constitution of Vietnam. Equality regardless of religion is guaranteed in the preamble, and in Chapter I, Article 1. Chapter 2, Article 10 grants (iv) the freedom of belief to all Vietnamese citizens.

Bloomsbury Professional Media. Vietnam Constitution 1946.

YemenFreedom of ReligionHistory

In the 1991 Constitution of Yemen, Islam is declared the state religion. Freedom of religion is not mentioned explicitly, however article 27 asserts that all citizens are equal and shall not be discriminated against regardless of religion.

Human Rights Library. Constitution of Yemen 1991.

ZambiaFreedom of ReligionHistory

Freedom of Religion is asserted in the 1964 Constitution of Zambia under Chapter III, Section 13, Article 21. This article asserts freedom to choose a religion, worship in a group or private setting, and manifest or propagate his religion and its practices. It also prevents forced religious instruction in schools and prohibits prevention of practice.

The current Constitution of Zambia was ratified on January 5, 2016. The preamble asserts the protection of freedom of religion, while also declaring Zambia a Christian Republic. Articles 8(d), 118.2(a), and 173.3(a) prohibit discrimination and article 266 defines discrimination to include religious discrimination.

World Statesman. Constitution of Zambia 1964.

Parliament of Zambia . “Government of Zambia Act -.” Last modified January 5, 2016. Accessed July 6, 2022.,%202016-Act%20No.%202_0.pdf.

ZimbabweFreedom of ReligionHistory

In the 1964 Constitution of Rhodesia, freedom of religion is asserted in Part 2, Chapter VII, Article 72. When Zimbabwe became an independent state in 1980, The Constitution asserted religious freedom Under Chapter III, Article 19. The current Constitution of Zimbabwe was ratified on 16 March 2013. Articles 5(ciii), 56.3, and 60 grant religious freedoms, equality, and prohibit religious discrimination.

World Statesman. Constitution of Rhodesia. 1965.

Refworld. Constitution of Zimbabwe. 1980.

Parliament of Zimbabwe . “Constitution of Zimbabwe.” Last modified August 9, 2021. Accessed July 6, 2022.

AfghanistanFreedom of the PressHistory

Article 31 of the 1964 Afghanistan Constitution states that “every Afghan shall have the right to express thoughts through speech, writing, illustrations as well as other means in accordance with provisions of this constitution” (University of Nebraska, “Constitution of Afghanistan,” 1964) . Every Afghan shall have the right, according to provisions of law, to print and publish on subjects without prior submission to state authorities. Directives related to the press, radio and television as well as publications and other mass media shall be regulated by law.” This clause is now located in Article 34 of the 2004 Afghanistan Constitution (Constitute Project, “Afghanistan’s Constitution of 2004” ).


1964 Afghanistan Constitution:

2004 Afghanistan Constitution:

AlbaniaFreedom of the PressHistory

According to Article 197 of the 1928 Fundamental Statute of the Kingdom of Albania: "Freedom of speech and of the press is guaranteed, and a censorship may not be instituted, except in case of war mobilisation or other extraordinary event defined by the law. The regulation of the press, the confiscation of press matter and the prosecution of the press are determined by law."

Article 53 of the 1976 Albanian Constitution states that “citizens enjoy the freedom of speech, the press, organization, association, assembly and public manifestation. The state guarantees the realization of these freedoms, it creates the conditions for them, and makes available the necessary material means” (“The Albanian Constitution of 1976) .

Today, Part 2, Article 22 of the 1998 Albanian Constitution recognizes freedom of the press, radio, and television as part of its list of “Fundamental Human Rights and Freedoms”. Article 22 also states that “Prior censorship of means of communication is prohibited” (Constitute Project, Albania's Constitution of 1998 with Amendments through 2012” ).


1928 Fundamental Statute of the Kingdom of Albania:

Albania Constitution (1976):

Albania Constitution (1998):

AlgeriaFreedom of the PressHistory

Article 19 of the 1963 Algerian Constitution states that “the Republic guarantees freedom of the press and of other means of information, freedom of association, freedom of speech and public intervention, and freedom of assembly” (Middle East Journal, 1963) .

Today, Article 54 of the Algerian Constitution protects freedom of the press, stating that “freedom of the press, be it written, audiovisual, or on media networks, shall be guaranteed equally for all public and private media outlets. It shall not be restricted by any form of prior censorship” (Constitute Project, “Algeria 2020” ).


“The Algerian Constitution.” The Middle East journal 17, no. 4 (1963): 446–450.

“Algeria 2020 Constitution.” Constitute. Accessed September 14, 2022.

AndorraFreedom of the PressHistory

Article 12 of the 1993 Andorran Constitution states that Freedoms of expression, of communication and of information are guaranteed. The law shall regulate the right of reply, the right of correction and professional secrecy” (Constitute Project, “Andorra’s 1993 Constitution”).

AngolaFreedom of the PressHistory

Article 35 of the 1992 Constitution marked Angola’s first explicit legal mention of freedom of the press: “Freedom of the press shall be guaranteed and may not be subject to any censorship, especially political, ideological or artistic. The manner of the exercise of freedom of the press and adequate provisions to prevent and punish any abuse thereof shall be regulated by law” (“Constitutional Law of the Republic of Angola 1992” ).

Today, Article 44 of the 2010 Angolan Constitution maintains that “freedom of the press shall be guaranteed, and may not be subject to prior censorship, namely of a political, ideological or artistic nature” (Constitute Project, “Angola’s 2010 Constitution”).


1992 Angola Constitution:

2010 Angola Constitution:

Antigua and BarbudaFreedom of the PressHistory

Schedule 1, Chapter II of Antigua and Barbuda’s Constitution titled “Protection of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms of the Individual” explicitly protects freedom of the press (Political Database of the Americas, “The Antigua and Barbuda Constitutional Order 1981” ).


“Republic of Antigua and Barbuda / República Del Antigua y Barbuda Constitution of 1981 Constituciones De 1981.” Antigua and Barbuda: Constitution, 1981:

ArgentinaFreedom of the PressHistory

According to Article 161 of the 1826 Argentina Constitution, "The liberty of publishing his ideas through the medium of the Press, which is a right as valuable to Man, as it is essential to the preservation of civil liberty, shall be fully guaranteed by the Laws"

Article 32 of the 1853 Argentinian Constitution states that “the Federal Congress shall not enact laws that restrict the freedom of the press or that establish federal jurisdiction over it” (Constitute Project, “Argentina's Constitution of 1853, Reinstated in 1983, with Amendments through 1994” ).


Constitution of the Argentine Republic, 1826, English translation of the original Constitution of 1826. 956 (2010) Section VIII: General Regulations:

“Argentina 1853 (Reinst. 1983, Rev. 1994) Constitution.” Constitute:

ArmeniaFreedom of the PressHistory

The 1990 Declaration of Independence of Armenia guaranteed freedom of the press. Article 24 of the 1995 Constitution of Armenia asserted freedoms relevant to freedom of the press: "Everyone is entitled to assert his or her opinion. No one shall be forced to retract or change his or her opinion. Everyone is entitled to freedom of speech, including the freedom to seek, receive and disseminate information and ideas through any medium of information, regardless of state borders." After amendment in 2005, additional language relevant to freedom of the press was added to the Constitution of Armenia: "Freedom of mass media and other means of mass information shall be guaranteed. The state shall guarantee the existence and activities of an independent and public radio and television service offering a variety of informational, cultural and entertaining programs." Article 42 of the Constitution of Armenia after amendment in 2015 state the right explicitly: "The freedom of the press, radio, television and other means of information shall be guaranteed. The State shall guarantee the activities of independent public television and radio offering diversity of informational, educational, cultural and entertainment programmes."


Armenian Declaration of Independence:

"Constitution of the Republic of Armenia" (1995):

"Constitution of the Republic of Armenia (with the Amendments of 27 November 2005)":

"Amendments to the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia" (2015):

AustraliaFreedom of the PressHistory

Australia has no formal protection of press freedom in its constitution (Australian Human Rights Commission). Australia’s High Court has ruled that an “implied freedom of political communication exists as an indispensable part of the system of representative government created by the Constitution” in Nationwide News Pty Ltd v Wills (1992), Australian Capital Television Pty Ltd v the Commonwealth (1992), and Unions NSW v New South Wales (2013).


“Freedom of Information, Opinion and Expression.” The Australian Human Rights Commission:

AustriaFreedom of the PressHistory

Article 13 of Austria’s 1867 “Basic Law on the General Rights of Nationals in the Kingdoms and Länder represented in the Council of the Realm” states that “Everyone has the right within the limits of the law freely to express his opinion by word of mouth and in writing, print, or pictorial representation. The Press may be neither subjected to censorship nor restricted by the licensing System. Administrative postal distribution vetoes do not apply to inland publication” (Basic Law of 21 December 1867) .


1867 Basic Law:

AzerbaijanFreedom of the PressHistory

Article 50 of the Azerbaijan Constitution of 1995 states “The freedom of mass media is guaranteed. State censorship of mass media, including print media, is forbidden” (Constitute Project, “Azerbaijan's Constitution of 1995 with Amendments through 2016” ).


“Azerbaijan 1995 (rev. 2016).” Constitute.

Blaustein, Albert P., and Gisbert H. Flanz. Constitutions of the Countries of the World; a Series of Updated Texts, Constitutional Chronologies and Annotated Bibliographies. "Azerbaijan Republic, Booklet 2, 1996" Permanent ed. Dobbs Ferry, N.Y: Oceana Publications, 1971.

BahrainFreedom of the PressHistory

Article 24 of the 1973 Bahrain Constitution states that “Freedom of the press, printing and publication shall be guaranteed in accordance with the conditions and procedure specified by the law.”


“Bahrain Old Constitution (1973).” International Constitutional Law Project:

BangladeshFreedom of the PressHistory

Article 39 of the 1972 Bangladesh Constitution states that “(1) Freedom or thought and conscience is guaranteed. (2) Subject to any reasonable restrictions imposed by law in the interests of the security of the State, friendly relations with foreign states, public order, decency or morality, or in relation to contempt of court, defamation or incitement to an offence-(a) the right of every citizen of freedom of speech and expression; and freedom of the press, are guaranteed."


BarbadosFreedom of the PressHistory

Barbados’s 1966 Constitution does not explicitly protect freedom of the press, but includes freedom to “receive” and “communicate ideas and information without interference” in its protection of freedom of expression (Political Database of the Americas, “Constitution of 1966” ).


BelarusFreedom of the PressHistory

Article 33 of Belarus’s 1994 Constitution bans censorship and mass media monopolies, whether state mass media monopolies or otherwise


1994 Constitution of the Republic of Belarus:

1994 Constitution of the Republic of Belarus as amended in 1996:

BelgiumFreedom of the PressHistory

Article 23 of the 27 October 1830 Draft Constitution of Belgium states that “The press is free. Censorship [la censure] should never be established, and cautioning of writers, editors or printers may not be demanded.” Article 18 of the 1831 Belgium Constitution guaranteed freedom of the press using similar language.


English translation of the French text of the draft of the constitution of 27 October 1830 35 (2009):

1831 Constitution of Belgium:

BelizeFreedom of the PressHistory

While press freedom was not explicitly protected in the 1981 Constitution of Belize, it is reasonable to infer that the broadly drawn protections of freedom of expression encompass freedom of the press as well. The guarantee refers to the protection of communication generally, "whether the communication be to the public generally or to any person or class of persons." The exceptions that it offers are also suggestive of application to the press, in its reference to the potential for the coexistence of freedom of expression with law "that is reasonably required for the purpose of protecting the reputations, rights and freedoms of other persons or the private lives of persons concerned in legal proceedings, preventing the disclosure of information received in confidence, maintaining the authority and independence of the courts, regulating educational institutions in the interests of persons receiving instruction therein, or regulating the technical administration or the technical operation of telephony, telegraphy, posts, wireless broadcasting, television or other means of communication...."


1981 Constitution of Belize:

BeninFreedom of the PressHistory

Article 7 of the 1964 Constitution of the Republic of Dahomey guaranteed freedom of the press.

Benin protects freedom of the press under Article 24 of its 1990 Constitution: “Freedom of the press shall be recognised and guaranteed by the state. It shall be protected by the High Authority of Audio-Visuals and Communications under the conditions fixed by an organic law.”


1964 Constitution of the Republic of Dahomey: English translation of the French original text fo the Constitution of 1964 152 (2011) Title II: The Rights and Duties of the Citizen:

1990 Constitution of the Republic of Benin:

BhutanFreedom of the PressHistory

Article 7, Section 5 of Bhutan’s 2008 Constitution protects freedom of the press: “There shall be freedom of the press, radio and television and other forms of dissemination of information, including electronic” (Constitute Project, “Bhutan's Constitution of 2008” ).


Bhutan 2008 Constitution:

BoliviaFreedom of the PressHistory

Article 145 of the 1826 Draft Constitution for the Republic of Bolivia states: "Every Person may communicate his thoughts, verbally or in writing, or publish them through the medium of the Press, 'without previous censorship; but under the responsibility which the Law may determine." Furthermore, Article 59 of the 1826 Draft Constitution described as among the duties of the Chamber of Censors, "To protect the Liberty of the Press, and to appoint the Judges who are to decide in the last instance, upon the Judgments respecting it."

Protection of press freedom is detailed in Article 106, Section III of the 2009 Bolivian Constitution: “The State guarantees freedom of expression and the right to communication and information to workers of the press” (Constitute Project, “Bolivia (Plurinational State of)'s Constitution of 2009” ).


1826 Draft Constitution for the Republic of Bolivia: English text of the draft Constitution of 1826. 892 (2010) Title XI: Of Guarantees

“Bolivia (Plurinational Republic of) 2009.” Constitute.

Bosnia and HerzegovinaFreedom of the PressHistory

In the aftermath of the annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina by the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Imperial Government wrote a constitution for Bosnia and Herzegovina. The relationship between the two political entities was described in Section 1 of the 1910 Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina: "Bosnia and the Herzegovina constitute a separate and homogeneous administrative territory, which, in conformity with the Law of the 22nd February, 1880 ... is subject to the responsible administration and control of the Imperial and Royal Joint Ministry." According to Section 12 of the 1910 Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina, "The right to express his opinion freely, verbally, in writing, print, or illustration is granted to every individual, without prejudice to the legal regulations dealing with the abuse of this right. The censorship of the press is, and remains, abolished."

Bosnia and Herzegovina’s 2009 Constitution protects freedom of expression in general, but does not mention freedom of the press specifically. However, Article 4 of the 2002 Law on Communications recognizes freedom of expression across broadcasting and telecommunications (Office of the High Representative, “Law on Communications of Bosnia and Herzegovina”).


1910 Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina: British and Foreign State Papers (1912)

“Bosnia and Herzegovina 1995 (Rev. 2009) Constitution.” Constitute. Accessed September 14, 2022.

Office of the High Representative, “Law on Communications of Bosnia and Herzegovina”: