Freedom of Religion/History/Country sources/Armenia

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What is the oldest written source in this country that mentions this right?


The 1990 Declaration of Independence of Armenia guaranteed freedom of conscience. The 1995 Constitution of Armenia contains a more detailed assertion of freedom of religion, emphasizing both separation to church and state and free expression. The ways that this right could be restricted were described in Article 26: "Expression of this right can be restricted only by law, if it is necessary for public security, health, morals or for the protection of rights and freedoms of others." However, the Constitution cited the distinctive role of the Armenian Apostolic Holy Church: "The Republic of Armenia recognizes the exclusive mission of the Armenian Apostolic Holy Church as a national church, in the spiritual life, development of the national culture and preservation of the national identity of the people of Armenia."


1990 Armenia Declaration of Independence:

1995 Armenia Constitution: Constitute. Accessed July 19, 2023.