Voting Rights and Suffrage/History/Country sources/Burkina Faso

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What is the oldest written source in this country that mentions this right?

Burkina Faso

Articles 3-5 of the 1959 Constitution of Upper Volta discussed voting rights. Article 3 stated that "The Republic of Upper Volta is democratic. Its principle is: government of the people, by the people and for the people." Article 4 asserted the location of sovereignty in the people as a whole: "Sovereignty belongs to the people. No section of the people, nor any individual may arrogate its exercise." Article 5 treated the universality of suffrage: "The people exercise their sovereignty by their representatives. Suffrage is universal, equal and secret. All citizens, of both sexes, of majority, enjoying their civil and political rights, are electors."

Under Article 33 of Title II in the 1991 Constitution of Burkina Faso, as revised in 2015, suffrage is direct or indirect and is universal, equal and secret (Constitute Project, “Burkina Faso's Constitution of 1991 with Amendments through 2015” ).


English Translation of the French Official Original Text of the Constitution of 1959 3-4 (2021) Title I: Of the State and of Sovereignty:

1991 Constitution of Burkina Faso 1991 as revised in 2015: