Freedom of Religion/History/Country sources/North Korea
What is the oldest written source in this country that mentions this right?
North Korea
Freedom of religion was first established in North Korea under Part II Article 14 of the 1948 constitution which stated that “[e]very citizen shall have freedom of religion…” (Hein Online). Freedom of religion is now conditionally protected under Article 68 of the 1972 constitution. It states that “[c]itizens have freedom of religious belief. This right is granted through the approval of the construction of religious buildings and the holding of religious ceremonies. Religion must not be used as a pretext for drawing in foreign forces or for harming the State or social order” (
“Korea (Democratic People’s Republic of) 1972 (Rev. 2016) Constitution.” Constitute. Accessed July 26, 2023.
"Part II: General Provisions." Constitution of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, pp. 2-4. HeinOnline,