Freedom of the Press/History/Country sources/Central African Republic

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What is the oldest written source in this country that mentions this right?

Central African Republic

Article 13 of the 1994 Constitution stated "Freedom of the press is recognised and guaranteed. It is exercised within the conditions fixed by law. The exercise of this liberty and equal access for all to the medias of the state are assured by an independent organ, the status of which is fixed by law."

Article 15 of the current 2016 Constitution states that “the freedom of the press is recognized and guaranteed. It is exercised within the conditions established by the law” (Constitute Project, “Central African Republic's Constitution of 2016” ).


Constitution of the Central African Republic, Adopted on 28 December 1994, promulgated on 14 January 1995:

“Central African Republic 2016 Constitution.” Constitute. Last modified 2016.