Privacy Rights/History/Country sources/Maldives

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What is the oldest written source in this country that mentions this right?


Articles 9 and 12 of the are relevant to privacy rights. Article 9 protects the private home: "Private premises and dwellings shall be respected. Such premises and dwellings shall not be trespassed, save under conditions stipulated in the law." Article 12 protects communications: "Letters, correspondence, telephone calls, telegrams and wireless messages exchanged between person shall not be opened, intercepted, read or divulged, except in accordance with the express provision in the law."

Article 24 of the 2008 Constitution grants the right to privacy in the Maldives. It says: “Everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life, his home and his private communications. Every person must respect these rights with respect to others” (Constitute Project, “Maldives 2008” ).


1969 Constitution of the Republic of Maldives As Amended to 1975: Peaslee Amos J.; Xydis, Dorothy Peaslee. Constitutions of Nation. The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff.:

2008 Maldives Constitution: