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KenyaVoting Rights and SuffrageHistory

The qualifications of citizens to vote was described in Schedule 5 of the 1963 Constitution. The right to vote was guaranteed to citizens meeting certain qualifications, or their spouses. One such qualification was residence for some length of time. The qualifications varied with respect to the particular office for which a citizen would be voting.

Under Article 38, every citizen has the right to free and fair elections based on universal suffrage. Every citizen over the age of 18 can register as a voter, vote by secret ballot or in a referendum, and run for elected office. (Constitute Project, “Kazakhstan’s Constitution of 2010” ).


1963 Constitution of Kenya:

2010 Constitution of Kenya:

Kingdom of the NetherlandsVoting Rights and SuffrageHistoryArticle 4 of the Dutch Constitution states that every Dutch citizen has the right to elect members of Parliament and run for office, so long as they are over the age of 18. The voting age is set by Parliament. (Constitute Project, “ Kingdom of the Netherland's Constitution of 1814 with Amendments through 2008” ).
KiribatiVoting Rights and SuffrageHistoryUnder Article 64, every citizen of Kiribati who is over 18 and is a resident of one of the electoral districts established by the Kiribati constitution is entitled to be an elector in the district in which he is a resident. The person may then vote for his representative in the Maneaba ni Maungatabu. (Constitute Project, “Kiribati’s Constitution of 1979 with Amendments through 2013” ).
KuwaitVoting Rights and SuffrageHistoryUnder Article 87, citizens have a right to elect members of The National Assembly every 4 years or if the Emir calls for a special election after dissolving The National Assembly. (Constitute Project, “Kuwait’s Constitution of 1979, reinstated in 1992” ).
KyrgyzstanVoting Rights and SuffrageHistory

According to Article 1.6 of the 1993 Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic as amended in February 1996, "Citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic shall elect the President, deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Jogorku Kenesh and the .Assembly of People's Representatives of the Jogorku Kenesh and their representatives to the bodies of self-administration. Elections shall be free and shall be held on the basis of universal equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot. To participate in the election, a citizen must have attained the age of 18"


1993 Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic as amended in February 1996:

LaosVoting Rights and SuffrageHistoryUnder Article 4, members of the National Assembly and the Local People’s Assemblies are voted into office via equal and direct voting with secret ballots. The voting age in Laos is 18 years old. (Constitute Project, Laos’s Constitution of 1991, with Amendments through 2015)
LatviaVoting Rights and SuffrageHistoryUnder Chapter II, Article 6, The Saeima shall be elected in general, equal, and direct elections and by secret ballot through proportional representation by Latvian citizens over 18 years of age. Citizens who are eligible to vote for The Saeima are also eligible to vote in national referendums according to Chapter III, Article 80 of the Latvian Constitution. (Constitute Project, “Latvia’s Constitution of 1992, reinstated in 1991, with Amendments through 2016” ).
LebanonVoting Rights and SuffrageHistoryUnder Article 21, every Lebanese citizen twenty-one years or older has the right to vote in public elections. Elections elect members to the Board of Deputies. (Constitute Project, Lebanon’s Constitution of 1926 with Amendments through 2004” ).
LesothoVoting Rights and SuffrageHistory

Chapter VI of the 1966 Lesotho Constitution refers to the qualifications to vote. Under Article 57 of the 1993 Constitution, Citizens of Lesotho who are 18 years of age or older and reside in Lesotho may vote in elections to The National Assembly, which is the first chamber of the Lesotho government. (Constitute Project, “Lesotho’ Constitution of 1993 with Amendments through 2018” ).


1966 Lesotho Constitution: O’LEARY, B. L. “THE CONSTITUTION OF LESOTHO: AN OUTLINE.” The Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa 1, no. 2 (1968): 266–70.

1993 Lesotho Constitution:

LiberiaVoting Rights and SuffrageHistoryUnder Article 83, Citizens of Liberia may vote for the President, Vice-President, members of the Senate, members of The House of Representatives, and referendum once they meet the legal adult age as dictated by law. (Constitute Project, Liberia’s Constitution of 1986” ).
LibyaVoting Rights and SuffrageHistoryUnder Article 18, The National Transitional Council is the electoral body responsible for electing the President of Libya. This council consists of members of the local councils throughout the country. (Constitute Project, Libya’s Constitution of 2011 with Amendments through 2012” ).
LiechtensteinVoting Rights and SuffrageHistoryAccording to Article 46, Parliament shall consist of 25 publicly selected representatives that will be elected through secret, universal, and direct suffrage by Liechtenstein citizens over the age set by law. (Constitute Project, “Liechtenstein’s Constitution of 1921 with Amendments through 2011” ).
LithuaniaVoting Rights and SuffrageHistoryAccording to Article 78, any citizen who has reached the age of 18 by election day has a right to vote in public, direct, and secret elections for the President of the Republic. Under Article 34, those who are eligible to vote for the President of the Republic may also participate in the elections of the Seimas. (Constitute Project, “Lithuania’s Constitution of 1992 with Amendments through 2019” ).
LuxembourgVoting Rights and SuffrageHistoryUnder Article 32bis, The Deputies of the Chamber of Deputies are elected by universal suffrage following the rules of proportional representation. Any Luxembourg citizen of the age of 18 or older is eligible to vote in these elections according to Article 52. (Constitute Project, “Luxembourg’s Constitution of 1868 with Amendments through 2009” ).
MadagascarVoting Rights and SuffrageHistoryUnder Article 5, Madagascar’s Constitution grants universal suffrage via direct and indirect elections. The voting age in Madagascar is 18 years old. Additionally, Article 45 states that the President of the Republic is voted into office every 5 years by universal direct suffrage. (Constitute Project, “Madagascar's Constitution of 2010 ”).
MalawiVoting Rights and SuffrageHistoryUnder Article 77, an eligible voter must be a citizen of Malawi or a Malawi resident of at least 7 years, 18 years of age or older, and a resident of the constituency of which they are trying to vote. If all of these are true, the voter may participate in general elections, by-elections, presidential elections, local government elections, and referendums. (Constitute Project, “Malawi’s Constitution of 1994 with Amendments through 2017” ).
MalaysiaVoting Rights and SuffrageHistory

Under Article 119 of the 1957 Constitution, every citizen of Malaysia who is the age of 21 years or older, is a resident in a constituency, and is registered as an elector in the constituency in which he/she resides is eligible to vote in elections to the House of Representatives or the Legislative Assembly.


1957 Malaysia Constitution:

MaldivesVoting Rights and SuffrageHistory

According to Article 26 of the 2008 Constitution, every citizen over the age of 18 has the right to vote in elections and public referendums via secret ballots and run for office in the Maldives. According to Article 10, the President is elected by universal suffrage. (Constitute Project, “Maldives’s Constitution of 2008”).


2008 Maldives Constitution:

MaliVoting Rights and SuffrageHistoryAccording to Article 27, suffrage is granted to all citizens of Mali over the age of 18 to participate in universal, equal, and secret elections. The President of Mali is elected every 5 years by an absolute majority of votes. Additionally, under Article 61, the Deputies are elected every 5 years via universal suffrage. (Constitute Project, “Mali’s Constitution of 1992 ”).
MaltaVoting Rights and SuffrageHistoryAccording to Article 57, a citizen of Malta over the age of 18 and currently residing in Malta may vote in secret elections via transferable voting. These public elections are used to determine the members of the House of Representatives through proportional representation. (Constitute Project, “Malta’s Constitution of 1964 with Amendments through 2016” ).
Marshall IslandsVoting Rights and SuffrageHistoryAccording to Section 3, elections of the members of Nitijela shall be conducted via a secret ballot system based on universal suffrage of those who have attained the age of 18 years or greater unless they are certified insane or are currently serving time for a felony. (Constitute Project, “Marshall Islands’ Constitution of 1979 with Amendments through 1995” ).
MauritaniaVoting Rights and SuffrageHistoryUnder Article 3, suffrage, both indirect and direct, must be universal, equal, and secret and is a right provided to everyone who has met the legal age requirement regardless of gender. Article 26 states that The President is elected by universal suffrage. Under Article 47, the Deputies to the National Assembly are elected via direct suffrage, however the senators are elected via indirect suffrage in order to represent the all territories of The Republic. (Constitute Project, “Mauritania’s Constitution of 1991 with Amendments through 2012” ).
MauritiusVoting Rights and SuffrageHistoryUnder Article 42, a person may be an elector if they are a citizen of at least 18 years of age and reside in the constituency in which they wish to vote. Electors shall elect members of The Parliament of Mauritius which consists of 70 members and elects the President. (Constitute Project, “Mauritius’ Constitution of 1968 with Amendments through 2016” ).
MexicoVoting Rights and SuffrageHistoryUnder Article 52, Mexicans of 18 years of age or older may participate in public elections. The House of Representatives shall be elected 1/3rd through uninominal voting and 2/3rds through proportional representation. All 128 senators shall be elected via majority voting by their own state. Under Article 41, elections of the legislative branch and executive branch shall be free, authentic, and periodical through universal and direct voting. (Constitute Project, “Mexico’s Constitution of 1917 with Amendments through 2015” ).
MoldovaVoting Rights and SuffrageHistoryUnder Article 38, all citizens who have attained 18 years of age have a right to suffrage unless prevented by law. Article 61 states that elections for the Parliament shall be elected by universal, direct, equal, secret, and freely expressed suffrage. Under Article 78, the President shall be elected by similarly run elections with a majority needed to become elected. If a majority is not found after the first ballot, a second ballot will be voted upon with the top two candidates to determine the winner. (Constitute Project, “Moldova’s (Republic of) Constitution of 1994 with Amendments through 2016” ).
MonacoVoting Rights and SuffrageHistory

According to, "It is by the 1911 Constitution that Monegasques acquired the right to elect their representatives." W.F. Dodd noted in 1911 offered this characterization of the 1911 Monaco Constitution: "A single-chambered legislative body elected by universal male suffrage is established, and thus the appearance of constitutional government is assumed, while the reigning prince retains the substance of power." Article 53 of the 1962 Constitution holds that the 24 members of The National Council are elected by direct universal suffrage. Electors are Monegasque citizens, of either gender, who have reached 18 years of age.

(Constitute Project, “Monaco’s Constitution of 1962 with Amendments through 2002” ):

Dodd, W. F. “Constitutional Developments in Foreign Countries During 1910.” The American Political Science Review 5, no. 3 (1911): 426.

MongoliaVoting Rights and SuffrageHistory

Chapter IV, Articles 34 and 35 of the 1924 Constitution of the Mongolian People's Republic outlined the right to vote, identifying groups included and excluded from this right. Article 34 reads: "The right to elect and to be elected to the Assemblies (Great, Small and local) is enjoyed by the following categories of citizens of the Republic of both sexes who have reached the age of 18 years by the day of the elections: - (a) Those who earn their livelihood by their own labour, and also persons occupied in labour on their own account. (b) Soldiers of the people's revolutionary army." Article 35 reads: "The following cannot elect or be elected:-- (a) Persons who live exclusively by the exploitation of others with the manifest object of enrichment. (b) Merchants and usurers who live by the labour of others and on interest from capital and income. (c) Former princes, hutuktus and members of religious bodies who de facto reside permanently in monasteries. (d) Persons legally declared insane or mentally deranged. (e) Persons sentenced by a court for crimes inspired by personal advantage or of an opprobrious character."

Article 71 of the 1940 Constitution of the Mongol People's Republic guaranteed the right to vote, though it named a large number of groups that were excluded from this right. In 1944 this article was amended to read: "All citizens of the Mongol People's Republic, who have reached the age of eighteen, have the right to participate in elections and to be elected, irrespective of their sex, nationality, religion, education, nomadic or settled mode of life, and property status, with the exception of the insane and persons convicted by the court, whose sentence includes deprivation of electoral rights."

According to Article 21, members of The State Great Hural shall be elected by citizens who are qualified to vote, via universal, free, and direct voting. Under Article 31, each political party in The State Great Hural may provide one nominated presidential candidate which the citizens may vote on. (Constitute Project, “Mongolia’s Constitution of 1992 with Amendments through 2001”).


1924 Constitution of the Mongolian People's Republic: British and Foreign State Papers (1931)

“Constitution of the Mongol People’s Republic.” World Constitutions Illustrated, Heinonline. Accessed July 27, 2023.

“Mongolia 1992 (rev. 2001).” Constitute.

MontenegroVoting Rights and SuffrageHistory

Under the 1905 Constitution, citizens of Montenegro elected deputies to the legislature. Article 46 describes these elections as direct. Article 48 offers the general rule for eligibility for the franchise: “Every Montenegrin citizen of age is elector by right, without regard to the sum which he pays as taxes.” Article 49 describes exceptions to that rule: “The following Montenegrin citizens lose temporarily their electoral rights: 1. Those who are sentenced to prison, until they have recovered their civil rights. 2. Those who are, as a consequence of some transgression, condemned to the loss of civil honors, this during the continuance of the penalty. 3. Bankrupts. 4. Those who are under guardianship. 5. Those who have entered the service of a foreign State without the authorization of the Montenegrin government.” Article 50 excludes members of the army from eligilility to serve as electors.

The Constitution of Montenegro states that citizens (age 18 or older) are entitled to vote in national elections for members of Parliament and for the President. (Constitute Project, “Montenegro’s Constitution of 2007 with Amendments through 2013” ).

1905 Montenegro Constitution: English translation from the French text of the original Constitution of 1905 " "Part 2: The National Representation," Constitution of 6/19 December 1905. (1905): 412-414:

MoroccoVoting Rights and SuffrageHistoryArticle 2 of Morocco’s Constitution states that representatives are elected by the people via principles of universal and free suffrage. Article 30 expands on the claim to universal suffrage stating that voting is a “personal right and national duty” granted to Moroccan citizens (age 18 and older). (Constitute Project, “Morocco’s Constitution of 2011” ).
MozambiqueVoting Rights and SuffrageHistoryUnder Article 73, citizens of Mozambique are granted the right of universal, direct, and equal suffrage by secret ballot. Citizens of Mozambique can vote once they are 18 years old. (Constitute Project, “Mozambique’s Constitution of 2004 with Amendments through 2007” ).
MyanmarVoting Rights and SuffrageHistoryArticle 391 of Myanmar’s Constitution states that citizens at least 18 years old have the right to vote for each Hluttaw of their constituency. The only individuals that are not allowed to vote are those 1) “members of religious orders,” 2) those serving sentences, 3) incompetent individuals, 4) individuals otherwise disqualified by law. (Constitute Project, “Myanmar’s Constitution of 2008 with Amendments through 2015” ).
NamibiaVoting Rights and SuffrageHistoryUnder Article 17, every citizen of Namibia, who has reached the age of 18, has a right to suffrage. Article 28 states that the President shall be elected under direct, universal, and equal suffrage. The National Assembly, under Article 46, shall be composed of 96 members who are elected by general, direct, and secret ballot. 8 other members shall be appointed by the President. (Constitute Project, “Namibia’s Constitution of 1990 with Amendments through 2014” ).
NauruVoting Rights and SuffrageHistoryArticle 84 states that citizens of Nauru can vote for members of Parliament and for referendums based on the principles of universal suffrage. The voting age in Nauru is 20 years old. (Constitute Project, “Nauru’s Constitution of 1968 with Amendments through 2015” ).
NepalVoting Rights and SuffrageHistoryUnder Article 84, any Nepali citizen who has attained the age of 18 years has a right to suffrage. The House of Representatives consists of 165 members to be elected through the post electoral system and 110 elected through a proportional representation electoral system. The National Assembly is voted upon by local elected leaders according to Article 86. According to Article 62, members from The National Assembly and The House of Representatives make up an electoral college to elect the President. (Constitute Project, “ Nepal’s Constitution of 2015 with Amendments through 2016” ).
New ZealandVoting Rights and SuffrageHistoryArticle 12 of New Zealand’s Constitution grants citizens over the age of 18 the electoral rights of voting for members of the House of Representatives by secret ballot and to run to be a member of the House of Representatives. (Constitute Project, “New Zealand’s Constitution of 1852 with Amendments through 2014” ).
NicaraguaVoting Rights and SuffrageHistoryUnder Article 2 of Nicaragua’s Constitution, Nicaraguan citizens are granted the right of “sovereign power through their representatives” via equal, direct, universal and secret suffrage. Articles 132, 146, and 178 grant the right for citizens to vote for the President, legislators in the National Assembly, and local officials. (Constitute Project, “ Nicaragua’s Constitution of 1987 with Amendments through 2014” ).
NigerVoting Rights and SuffrageHistoryArticle 7 of Niger’s Constitution grants Nigerian citizens over the age of 18 or “emancipated minors the right to direct and indirect suffrage via equal, free, and secret ballots. Articles 47 and 84 states that the President and The Deputies are elected via universal suffrage (Constitute Project, “ Niger’s Constitution of 2010 with Amendments through 2017” ).
NigeriaVoting Rights and SuffrageHistoryArticle 4 of Nigeria’s Constitution grants citizens the right to vote for members of the House of Assembly. Article 117 states that any citizen over the age of 18 that is registered to vote may do so in these elections. (Constitute Project, “ Nigeria’s Constitution of 1999 with Amendments through 2011” ).
North KoreaVoting Rights and SuffrageHistoryUnder Article 6, citizens of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea are granted the right of universal, equal and direct suffrage. Citizens over the age of 17 can vote for members of the Supreme People’s Assembly according to Article 89 and the local People’s Assembly under Article 138. (Constitute Project, “ North Korea’s Constitution of 1972 with Amendments through 2016” ).
North MacedoniaVoting Rights and SuffrageHistoryArticle 22 in the Constitution of North Macedonia grants citizens over the age of 18 the right to vote in universal and direct elections with secret ballots. If a person is “deprived of the right to practice their profession by a court verdict,” they lose their right to vote. Citizens vote for the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia under Article 62 and the President of the Republic under Article 81. (Constitute Project, “North Macedonia (Republic of)'s Constitution of 1991 with Amendments through 2011” ).
NorwayVoting Rights and SuffrageHistoryArticle 50 of Norway’s Constitution grants nearly all citizens over the age of 18 the right to vote. Citizens residing outside Norway during the election or who “Suffer from a seriously weakened mental state” are subject to the determination of law on whether or not they may vote. (Constitute Project, “Norway's Constitution of 1814 with Amendments through 2014” ).
OmanVoting Rights and SuffrageHistoryUnder Article 58bis 9 of Oman’s Constitution, members of the Majlis Al Shura are elected through direct and secret votes. Citizens of Oman must be 21 or older to vote for these members. (Constitute Project, “ Oman’s Constitution of 1996 with Amendments through 2011” ).
PakistanVoting Rights and SuffrageHistoryArticle 51 states that an individual in Pakistan may vote if they are a citizen, are over the age of 18, are registered to vote, and have a sound mind. Members of the National Assembly are elected via direct and free suffrage. (Constitute Project, “ Pakistan’s Constitution of 1973, reinstated in 2002 with Amendments through 2018” ).
PalauVoting Rights and SuffrageHistoryArticle 7 of the Constitution of Palau grants citizens over the age of 18 the right to vote in National and state elections. The Olbiil Era Kelulau (the legislative body) determines the residency requirements of voting in these elections. (Constitute Project, “Palau’s Constitution of 1981 with Amendments through 1992” ).
PanamaVoting Rights and SuffrageHistoryArticle 135 states that it is the right and duty of all citizens of Panama to vote in their free, universal, direct, and secret elections. The voting age in Panama is 18. Article 150 states that the members of the National Assembly of Panama are voted into office. (Constitute Project, “ Panama’s Constitution of 1972 with Amendments through 2004” ).
Papua New GuineaVoting Rights and SuffrageHistoryUnder articles 50 and 126 all citizens over the age of 18 may vote unless they are serving a sentence over 9 months, have been convicted of a crime or have dual citizenship. Voters elect the members of Parliament via universal suffrage. (Constitute Project, “ Papua New Guinea’s Constitution of 1975 with Amendments through 2016” ).
ParaguayVoting Rights and SuffrageHistoryArticle 118 of Paraguay’s Constitution states that it is the right and duty of citizens to vote in their universal, direct, equal and secret elections. Article 120 states that the voting age is 18 and that Paraguayan citizens living abroad may also vote. (Constitute Project, “ Paraguay’s Constitution of 1992 with Amendments through 2011” ).
PeruVoting Rights and SuffrageHistoryUnder articles 111 and 191 the President and the Regional Governors are elected through universal suffrage. The voting age in Peru is 18 years of age. (Constitute Project, “ Peru’s Constitution of 1993 with Amendments through 2021” ).
PhilippinesVoting Rights and SuffrageHistoryArticle 5 of the Constitution of the Philippines concerns suffrage, stating that citizens over the age of 18 that have resided in the country for the previous year are entitled to vote. Article 6 states that the members of the Senate, House of Representatives, and the President are elected to office by universal suffrage. (Constitute Project, “ Philippines’s Constitution of 1987” ).
PolandVoting Rights and SuffrageHistoryArticle 62 of the Polish Constitution grants citizens over the age of 18 the right to vote for the President and representatives of the Sejm and Senate and participate in referendums. Article 127 states that the President of the Republic is elected by the people every 5 years via universal, direct, and secret voting. (Constitute Project, “ Poland’s Constitution of 1997 with Amendments through 2009” ).